The contents of the Last Will and Testament disclose the hidden secrets of who left what to whom.
And so it begins...
Inkspot - Ian Smith to Robert Mugabe - a pair of white stilletto shoes
Tony Blair for Gordon Brown - a whistle
Rosie - James Randi, to Uri Geller - a bent key.
Software - From Margaret Thatcher to Edward Heath - a peerage.
Rosie - Ken Clarke, to Nick Griffin - A Louis Armstrong CD
Dujon - Louis Armstrong to Bill Clinton - A handkerchief
Inkspot - Anne Boleyn to Jane Seymour - A scarf
Software - Charles Clarke to John Reid - a poisoned chalice
Inkspot - John Reid to Charles Clarke - a pack of Mornington Cresent Top Trumps.
Audience - *gasps, fidgets, generally bounces up and down like a small child placed next to a display of cakes*
Inkspot - The audience to numpty - a pack of spelling flash cards for Mornington Crescent
Audience - *shouts, screams generally goes wild for Inkspot*
Inkspot - time to move along for someting else
This is the end of the line. There is no more.