As played in the Furcation Game (plug). Could the panel please suggest uses for a Black and Decker Workmate?
penelope - 67. Adjustable wooden leg.
Raak - 68. A prop for the next Doctor Who adventure: Revenge of the Trees. All the wood in the world turns on mankind in revenge for the brutal murder of trees to make furniture!
Kim - 69. An adjustable birthing-stool.
Bob the dog - [Kim] See No. 40.

69Contemporary stocks for naughty children.
Tuj - 70. Striking one's forehead in realisation. Just spotted I put "web-vased" in move 2... wondered what move 3 was about for a long time...
Juxtapose - 71. Subject for a list of uses of it
Juxtapose - 72. Use it to cut off your bold tag a little earlier...
Tim [tool time] Taylor - 73. My tombstone.
* * * - [Falstaff really!] "i shall own up."
Father Christmas - 74. A stocking stuffer!
Juxtapose - 76.line twenty up and jump them on a motorcycle.
Dujon - 77. Scatter a number around the garden (mix the sizes: there are 'home', 'industrial' and 'Stevie' models available) to create a wonderful arty display for your next candlelight supper.
plump - 78 As a suicide parachute.
Tuj - 79. Parallel bars for a new event at Crufts.
Juxtapose - 80. And then for standing on at the subsequent award ceremony.
Falstaff - 81. To replace the falling anvil in old Tex Avery cartoons.
Bif - 82 Novelty Key Fob.
penelope - 83. Bedside table
Boolbar - 84. Hamster activity centre.
ImNotJohn - 85. Use 2 to replace a Corby Trouser press (one for each crease)
Juxtapose - 86. Tie a note to it and throw it through a window if a brick's not handy
penelope - 87. Nutcrackers
88. Inverted, and with the addition of a strong rubber band, a handy catapult for flinging stones from the back door at neighbours' cats in the process of defecating on your newly-prepared flowerbeds.
89.Clothes horse for working clothes.
Tuj - 90. Blockade for stopping an angry mob smashing in your workshop door. Useful if you're Dr. Frankenstein, for instance.
Juxtapose - 91. Clothes horse for working horse.
Tuj - 92. Blunt instrument.
93. Exhibit A.
Boolbar - 94. Attached to a rope it could make a novelty swingometer for Peter Snow.
Falstaff - 94 b [Attached to a rope] it could be shoved from the bed of a moving truck
to pull [i.e. yank i.e. extricate] my wisdom tooth.
Falstaff - 94 c [Attached to a rope] it would make a splendid wrecking ball.
Falstaff - 94 c [Attached to a rope] a swinging pendant for hypnotizing a Cyclops.
Falstaff - 94 e [Attached to a rope] Goliaths' slingshot for [Round 2] against David.
Falstaff - 94 f [Attached to a rope] Prison Soap!
Falstaff - 94 g [Attached to a rope] As a counterweight for use in hanging myself by the neck from a pulley in the closing act of Shakespeares 'King Henry IV' Unfortunately our good William took that page of the script into the privy with him and the entire scene was marked over, thus depriving the play of a meritorious conclusion.
penelope - I reckon all of Falstaff's contributions can be counted individually, therefore
101 British interpretation of a Japanese-style wooden pillow.
Audience - *shouts, screams, generally goes wild for penelope*
rab - *fashions guitar out of B&D workmate, strums E minor chord*
Audience - *shouts, screams, generally goes wild for rab*
Chalky - *shouts, screams, generally goes wild*
Kim - *shouts and generally goes wild, but doesn't scream*
WomBat21 - Community Theatre prop for re-creating the final scene in the original version of the movie 'The Fly'.
WomBat21 - Placed next to the coffe table in a darkened room, will help to totally disable you from the waist on down.
This is the end of the line. There is no more.