Snagandorf - i have3 been away too long so almost, but not quite, compleatly unlike, Mornington Crescent also known as Dollis Hill.
Gusset Login - Finally emerging from knip to play a deverstating Dollis Hill
Will - Morni....ah, drat, that won't work...Dollis Hill
Darren - Dollis Hill and don't fight the inevitable.
Dujon - Whew, that little bit of circulation cleared the air - thanks. Now, Boolbar and Thrax were playing dirty so - Mudchute.
LotUS - Avoiding all of the aforementioned mess by striling gracefully to Barons Court.
Boolbar - [Dujon] Playing dirty! Never. Moving two soap tokens to Canada Water.
Tuj - Building Society - I'm sorry! I was so close to Bank but I didn't make it!
Chalky - Surrey declaring *fringe on the top*
Will - Morni... checks board Nope, still won't work. King's Cross St. Pancras
Dujon - Having been out-alkalined it's Rayners Lane with an implied threat to the Metropolitan.
Angus Prune - The Pavement outside Mornington Crescent
Tuj - The Fourth Estate / Chessington World of Adventures, a wild bifurcation.
LotUS - [Tuj] Now you've done it. The Bishop of Durham's seat in the House of Lords / Universal Studios, FL - theme parks wild on the second strand.
Boolbar - Big Ben / Dollywood invoking Bong!
Valentin - The London Eye / Disneyland, Paris straddling La Manche and closing the Channel Tunnel.
Tuj - Lord's / The Restaurant at the End of the Universe - Valentin that was nasty!
Snagandorf - Pluto/within three miles of ecentrica galumbits and i hope i spelled that right
Will - Hmm...that allows Kochab/Ursa Minor Beta which, being the same place, reunites the strands.
Angus Prune - Northampton County Cricket Ground/Alpha Centauri separating them again... Never call me a conformist!
Tuj - Re-unifying at Karachi. Or was that Venezuela?
Boolbar - [Tuj] Thanks! Now let's try and get back in the right direction. A Map of The London Underground.
LotUS - Sorry. A Jackson Pollock painting.
Tuj - Normandy, balls.
Chalky - Getting close at The Palm Reading Parlour behind Paddington Station
Snagandorf - a cup of what may or may not be tea i am a little tipsy.
Valentin - Clearly that would be Darjeeling / Lipton Ice Tea(TM)
LotUS - Which proceeds nicely to Earl Grey / TwiningsTM Peppermint.
Boolbar - *Dunk* / Nettle Tea
Tuj - Birds' Nest Soup, reunifying, for what it's worth.
Poisoned Pigeon - Sharks Fin soup adding a little bite to the game.
Dujon - Doubless with a subtle flavour of herb tea the next is for Oxford Circus
I refer to the post immediately above entered at 1:46 pm Sunday 4th July. 'Twas assuredly not I ... I was well and truly tucked up in bed at that time.
Kim - Picking up from Poisoned Pidgeon's last (legitimate) posting, The Tate, for art's sake....
Snagandorf - this game seems to have gotten a little too open Dollis Hill and i close the loop
Tuj - Oh no! Forced to play abstractedly after the sudden closure, a prepostrous Canons Park!?
Snagandorf - i will take advantage of the crazy move and play bank stop me before i win!
Will - Elementary. The best way to stop you is Mornington Crescent, claiming the win for myself.
Audience - *shouts, screams, generally goes wild for Will*
Will - What can I say? The imposter, combined with the late Dollis Hill reference, brought my LV to a ridiculous level somewhere above c, thus bringing me in from Kochab to MC.
Snagandorf - i meant stop me from winning now so the game can go on, i was worried the game would come to a premature end at my hands, oh well.
This is the end of the line. There is no more.