Guess the tune!
Gusset Login - OK I'll try one if no one minds
doodoodoodoodoodoo doodoodoodoodoodoo
twwwwwww DAH dah dahdah dada-dahdahdah
dahdahdah dahdahdah
dee dee deedee de-de-deedeedee
doo doo dodoo deedeedeee
dada dada dah da-dada da-dada dada doo doo doo doo
t-t-t-t DAH dee dee deedee da da da-dadaaaa
t-t-t-t DAH doo doo doodoo doo doo do-doodooooo
t-t-t-t DAH dah dah dada da da do-doodeeeee
da da da dada daaaa
b-b-baa b-b-baa

80's Cartoon/20 minute toy advert.
penelope - [Gusset Login, Darren] *Was all grown-up in the 80s and definitely not home early enough from work to watch tea-time cartoons*
Raak - [GL] Transformers? Not that I ever saw it, but it fits the description.
Brendan - [GL] He-Man? On the grounds that I never watched ITV (my parents were very prejudiced against it and/or didn't want us watching the adverts that weren't disguised as cartoons) and I can't fit any of the ones I remember off BBC to it.
Gusset Login - [Brendan] No
[Raak] No, but it was vaguely similar now I come to look back on it
Raak - [GL] Mighty Morphing Power Rangers?
Bob the dog - Bendan] Ha! I've found you at last! The other person in the UK banned from watching ITV...
rab - Whereas I merely gravitated away from ITV of my own accord. Obnoxious snob that I was (am?).
Darren - Hm, I always think of ITV as being inherently low-quality. I'm not sure why. Perhaps I've watched it?
Tuj - Darren]Exactly. But somehow you're labelled as snobby if you air that opinion.
antiknees - I'm contemplating reporting ITV to trading standards- I think it is a hideous misrepresentation of the word 'independent' unless it means 'watchable solely after 2am'
Breadmaster - I never watched ITV as a child for snobby reasons too. Now I refuse to watch the BBC as well, leaving me with Channels 4 and 5 for refuge. This is why I tend to play a lot of computer games.
Darren - Since we're pretty much all agreed about ITV, is anyone interested in continuing with this game? ;)
Gusset Login - [Darren] Doesn't look like it.
Darren - [Gusset] Shame, that.
Gusset Login - [Darren] I agree, but I can't think of any answers. So I can't get it going again.
Raak - Neither can I, but here's a really easy one. Film music.

Daaa ... Daaa ... Daaa ...
brrrbrbrbrbrbom bom bom BOM BOM BOM BOM BOM
Daaa ... Daaa ... Daaa ...
DAA!!-DAA!!-DAA!! (bom bom bom)
rab - [Raak] Lovely formatting. Is it 2001 - A Space Odyssey?
Darren - Heh, simulposted. I got that too.
Raak - [rab] Yep, said it was easy.
Chalky - oooh splendid - 3D!
I'd just like to say, at this juncture, that I love the new commercial for Evergreen LawnFeed which features a dancing frog, assorted garden creatures and the tune of 'Daydream Believer'. Groovypops.
Darren - Yeah, I noticed that one. It is surprisingly well animated for an advert, imo. Going back to my number 28, it was a sort of game-show thing where a bunch of minor celebrities were trapped on an alien planet and had to escape by solving puzzles. Is that enough of a clue?
JLE - [Raak] Except it wasn't originally intended as film music. I presume you know it, but some others might not - in its original incarnation it is the opening to Richard Strauss's Also Sprach Zarathustra.
Raak - [JLE] Yes, but how many people know it primarily as the Strauss, even the ones who know that's where it came from?
JLE - Well, me and Watty for a start... ;-) I've never even watched 2001. Nor, in fact, read the book.
rab - I also knew it was Also Sprach, but since Raak said 'Film music' I replied with the title of the film. On a related note (maybe) it impressed me that 'classical' music was used for that film. Nothing dates a film so much as its soundtrack when a contemporary score is used - even more so when it tries to sound 'futuristic' - so it was a smart decision to choose something timeless, I think.
Darren - I heard the choice of music was more-or-less accidental though - something about that they just used Strauss as a test soundtrack but it seemed to fit so they used it for the final film.
rab - I guess we need an appropriate swan song. This is the best I can think of.

Deee daah daah daah dee dah
Deee daah daah daah dee dah
Deee dah-di deeee dah-di dahh di dah dahhh
Deee daah daah daah di dah
Deee daah daah daah didi dada
Deee dah-di deeee dah-di dahh di dah dahhh

(key change, continues)

rab - (Though thinking about it, The Swan might have been more appropriate!)
Inkspot - rab]I'll just venture in while the door is still ajar, did it start out on BBC2? Cracking 40 years self-congratulatory best of type clips.
rab - [Inkspot] Annoyingly at an orchestra rehearsal last night so couldn't watch this. No it's not a TV theme, but a piece of Classic FM-friendly music.
JLE - What time signature - it could fit into 6/8 or 4/4 from where I'm sitting?
rab - I think it's more like a slowish 3/4.
Inkspot - Ahhh! Classic FM I can drift off sleep to that anywhere, especially smooth classics like The Blue Danube.
all - [rab] Is it Spring by ... I think it was Vivaldi but I could be wrong
rab - Nope. Will give a clue shortly.
rab - [all] Though, that said there's a kind of connection...
Dujon - I was thinking Village Swallows (I think that was its title - Strauss waltz thingy anyway) but it doesn't quite fit my memory. I must drag it out and have a refresher course.
rab - You may have to Peer more closely at the dots...
rab - Look, it's bloody Mornington Crescent from the Peer Gynt suite, ya dullards.
Chalky - I KNEW that all along
This is the end of the line. There is no more.