Give quotes that suggests the person would be better seeking more suitable employment.
ImNotJohn - I applied because I wanted to have a steady 9 to 5 48 week a year job.
I Say, Porter! - Well, my first priority is to annex the Sudetenland.
I Say, Porter! - This green leather is so passé. I move we have the whole chamber redone in chintz.
Raak - I'm a firm believer in democracy, which is why we should do away with Parliament and elections, put the opposition into concentration camps, and reinstitute a new feudal system for the new century with everyone having their place in a true democracy.
I Say, Porter! - National Anthem? Of course I know it: Allons ! Enfants de la Patrie ! Le jour de gloire est arrivé !... oops! (This really happened in Belgium last month)
Software - Wny do I want to stand for Labour? Well, I like your logo best.
Uncle Korky - Well, my first priority is to annexe Sunderland.
ImNotJohn - I wouldn't have joined this club if I'd known they would let women in.
Uncle Korky - Actually, no. My first priority is to axe Sunderland.
Sierra Mike - I'm terribly sorry, but I don't have time for industrial lobbyists or monied special intrests. I'm far too busy addressing the concerns of my constituents, who must always come first.
Software - Well, I'll either annex or axe Sunderland, depending which lobby group offers me the best deal.
I Say, Porter! - [Softers] No, I think you've got the wrong end of the stick, there. That one sounds ideal. Just look at the US Congress and its current disgusting attitude to the Armenian genocide resolution.
Botherer - So, is it true I get to set my own salary?
Botherer - And expenses?!?
Raak - I see myself as a modern Guy Fawkes.
Projoy - I swear loyalty to Her Majesty the Antichrist Bitch, er I mean Queen.
Projoy - Hey, what's this big heavy golden javelin doing sitting on the desk. Reckon I can get it thru that big plate glass window up on the balcony?
Projoy - There, there!
Raak - I want to be an MP because Parliament is the best drinking club in London.
Dan - So who does this "whip" think he is, anyway? Whatever he says I'm voting the other way on principle.
nights - How much am I allowed to spend on stationery, again? ref one Siobhain McDonagh MP, full story here
Phil - And that's all I have to do to get to smoke in a bar again?
Pogo - My bedfellow? Absolutey not Ol' chum! I'm monogamous.
nfras - Well, I've heard a lot about whips, black rods and getting someone to help pass your motions. Seemed like my kind of place.
Pablo - I just like the sound of being able to pass motions.
Raak - All done? Has the employment agency run out of hopeless hopefuls?
nights - It looks that way, doesn't it?
Raak - Nem con, everyone?
Projoy - Kill, pussycat, kill.
CdM -
All right. How about unsuitable things to be said by a Game Continuation Specialist?
Raak - You can't end it! It's been going for fifty years! It's TRAD--
Audience - *shouts, screams generally goes wild for Raak*
Red Wolf - So, you want to end it then? Alright, fine! See what I care! No, no, wait, that was reverse--
Jamie Price - px3wr8igoka5u5m0
Glenna Finley - px3wr8igoka5u5m0
KagomeShuko - No, honestly, it's very safe. Completely fool-
FGZstar - Well, let's just ll work hard at keeping this game of Mornington Crescent going, shall we?
Software - Watch out! *ducks*
Tuj -
This is the end of the line. There is no more.