Mornington Crescent under the Bromley '05 variant; players must use anagrams of actual station names. The winning move is "Concerning Torments".
Tuj - *ergo
Rosie - Where Eric Morecambe got off. Can't stand your Arse pong, Ern.
Quendalon - [Rosie] Ugh! I really didn't need to know that.

To dissuade others from presenting a similarly obnoxious excess of information, I'll establish a position at Reprisal Dingus.
Software - I'll take shelter up here on the Pelmet.
Kim - Ye ramble on a bit, don't ye?
Darren - [Kim] It's because I was a Wobbly Embryo.
Tuj - I'm far more interested in Crepe Renting.
Quendalon - [Tuj] Are you sure you wouldn't prefer Bread Skiing?
Darren - [Tuj] Or pehaps you could rent a Big Durex.
Tuj - [Quends, Darren] Thanks for the offers but I'm happy, and branching out into Choral Leasing too.
ImNotJohn - Looking forward to some Grand Weeks trying all of those out
Kim - Undoubtedly built by a Heinous Mason.
Darren - In response to that move, I neither Whinge nor Retch.
Quendalon - Concealing myself at Cloaked Harbors.
Tuj - [Quends] Are you wearing your Flycatcher Linen?
ImNotJohn - Used while you Charm Swallow at Tent door.
Darren - [INJ] Oh, you Hedonist Yob, you.
Kim - Groan!
Inkspot - No need for that, I thought I looked quite fetching in this Turban ok!
Quendalon - [Inkspot] You look very fetching indeed. What do you think of my Snack Apron?
Tuj - I'm wearing my favorite Formal & Client Hat
Darren - [Inkspot] Your turban is indeed OK, but when I get a phone call from someone in the city I always wear my Warmest Town Call Hat.
Tuj - And if things go wrong there's always the Attend Courtroom Hat.
Kim - Failing that, you could utilise your business skills in the monastery, wearing your Nun Merger Hat.
Inkspot - I heard there was a problem with those due to the elasticated body strapping, when released may cause you to Wrench the Groin. Just be careful.
Darren - But at least you'll have Top-Rank Verrucas.
Quendalon - I'll be sure to pray for you at Holy Calendar & Griffon.
Darren - Of all the superb players we've seen so far, None Graced TV.
Kim - [Darren] Shame, but perhaps they could get a slot on Radio Martle to boost their glittering careers.
nights - Seemingly a good moment for NKAB!
Chalky - *flarkes*
Tuj - Take cover! *slats up*
Darren - While you're busy watching Don Jot's Show, I'm going to trap nights by placing a Doomed Plug on NKAB.
Quendalon - I'm tuned in to Ocean Land Radio.
Botherer - I'm going to let sir into Furry Pink Bras. Suit you.
Kim - Lo, Silver Treetop, getting the Doomed Plug off NKAB, but placing Botherer in Pink.
Quendalon - Which treetop did you mean, Kim? Was it, perchance, this Cayenne Larch?
Darren - I remember, in Yes Minister, all those episodes where Sir Humphrey made fun of Hacker's Drab Loo.
Kim - [Quendalon] Actually, no, it was the Spunky Bra Fir (native to South Carolina) that I had in mind.
Darren - It's time to stop these discussions Concerning Torments.
Audience - *shouts, screams generally goes wild for Darren*
This is the end of the line. There is no more.