We had a game once upon a time where we catalogued the names of some of the lesser-known Knights of the Round Table, such as Sir Kit Breaker, Sir Gycal Truss, Sir Monon de Mounte and so forth. I thought it might be educational to go further back, to Greek times, and list a few of them. John Cleese, Androcles and Pericles may be quite well-known, but what about the tailors Euripides and Eumenides, for example? Extra points will be given for providing some biographical details on these long-forgotten fellows.

(Winning move unaltered.)

Raak - Phlytippa left her rubbish all over the place.
Raak - If a Greek traveller found, in some deserted place, strange glyphs painted on a rock or carved on a tree, he would presume that nature spirits -- the kilroi -- were there.
CdM - Lendusmorples is believed to be a direct ancestor of the current Finance Minister
Raak - Chismias was a bureaucrat known for contemptuously dismissing unfavoured petitioners.
Simons Mith - Vehicles was owner of one of the world's first horse and cart rental emporia.
Kim - Founder of the somewhat short-lived Pryapic school and a staunch opponent of Stoicism, Bigtites, is said to have formed his world view that "all is milk" from his years under the tutelage of his mother Mammaria. His influence can be seen in the works of Freud and the lesser-known Heffner.
Phil - After the Sumerians developed the cart-wheel, a young Greek entrepreneur called Kroupia turned one on its side, spun it and encouraged youths to place bids on which spoke a tossed stone would hit.
Raak - The orator Telephon was famed for the distance he could project his voice.
Raak - (And in modern times, a xenophone must be a device for talking to foreigners.)
Rosie - Dogines amused himself by kicking an inflated pig's bladder around the place.
Raak - Kennai fought in a lot of wars, but was killed in every battle.
Phil - [Raak] reveal
CdM - Many are the tales told of the mighty warrior Androgenes, both of her prowess in combat and his tactical brilliance.
Raak - None of the writings of Burocrates have come down to us, as they were too boring for anyone to think worth preserving.
Simons Mith - Bicycles was the inventor of an early two-wheeled transportation machine.
CdM - Oddly enough, given the introduction to the game, Sircles was both a Greek geometer and a Knight of the Round Table.
cfm - No one ever seems to talk about Cockites, wife of Pythagoras, who first inspired then later enthusiastically participated in the human-scale demonstrations that unequivocally established the mathematician’s most famous theorem.
Rosie - Cockneys - Reached London long before the Romans.
Kim - "There is nothing on earth to be more prized than a hefty discount from a good friend." (From "On the nature of friendship", Matesrates, 214-152 B.C.)
Rosie - Standatease was the forerunner of generations of seargent-majors.
CdM - [Kim] For a moment there I thought you were talking about Maserates, the famous chariot racer.
Phil - I can barely bring myself to mention the inexorable vileness that was Stoktonontes.
NotJohn - Much has been written about the Chorus in Greek plays, rather less about the accompanying interpretive dancers, the bolshoi.
Raak - (Reusing a move from another game a long time ago alert:) Isosceles was a Greek sorcerer executed for heresy by impalement on a narrow, triangular block of wood, to the shape of which his name has since been given.
Rosie - Tossos - an island named after the staggering ineptitude of its inhabitants.
Phil - Let's not ignore the magnificent contribution to the world of cartography made by Sephenses
Kim - [Phil] Didn't he also do important work in the development of vitamin supplements?
Phil - [Kim] Indeed he did, often in conjunction with the Roman physician Centrum
Kim - Nobblines, the first Greek to abandon the traditional Greek toga and wear shorts in summer.
Raak - Helpmaboab Itsthepolis was an ancient Greek bovver boy.
cfm - The narrative multi-panel paintings by Greek artist Miniceres are precursors to the contemporary graphic novel.
Simons Mith - Anchoves was probably one of the most modest fishermen ever to live. His most extravagant claim was of catching a fish nearly 5½ inches long - although admittedly, he did bore everyone to death with how tasty it was.
Rosie - Glycerides - a purveyor of cooking oil.
Rosie - Hypochlorites - Always dressed in purest white. That's enough chemistry. Ed.
Rosie - Gee-gees - Introduced the sport of horse racing.
Rosie - Apogees - A high-jumper of startling ability.
Simons Mith - Apologes - widely known as The Contrite.
Raak - Ταχμαν was a deity to whom every adult citizen had to promise one-third of his income on the first day of spring.
Phil - [Raak] I'm sorry but I have to: ταξμαν :-)
Kim - Beeges - siren-voiced gold medallion-wearing demi-gods of ancient times.
Raak - Antiphres invented the use of straw lagging for water pipes.
Phil - Noknes the second Greek to abandon the traditional Greek toga and wear shorts in summer, after Nobblines
Simons Mith - Bandages Developed the eponymous cloth wound covering that we still use to this day.
Rosie - Priktes - an intellectual, arguing cogently against the need for feminism. (Raak) Top drawer.
Raak - Cocöon invented the 5-season sleeping bag.
Phil - Aristweedines - invented 'plus fours'
Raak - Bel-tsander invented many ingenious machines for woodworking.
Kim - Sausages, inventor of an early method for preserving left-over horsemeat.
Phil - Anaeamis, pioneer of Greek air traffic control.
Simons Mith - [Kim] That's my favorite one yet!
Raak - The Greeks had legends of a warlike people on an island at the edge of the world, whose men painted themselves blue and wore skirts: the Robroi.
Raak - [Phil] The penny has just dropped on yours.
Raak - Haites introduced the custom of a light cooked meal around 5pm, followed by cakes and pastries.
Phil - Mnemonikos Mathematician: notated experimental method of new intricate knowledge occupying synapses.
[Raak] A veritable compliment. Thank you :-)
Kim - It is said that the Kuddlitoi held a smaller-scale, local form of Olympic-style Games, but weekly, instead of every four years. Successful competitors could win fabulous prizes and their success was broadcast throughout the land.
CdM - [Phil] He was brother of Justbekos, a maverick mathematician who rejected this new notion of "proof" that was so favoured by his contemporaries.
cfm - Parodes (son of Comedes incidently), a popular playwright.
Quendalon - Giftegeus invented the mirror.
Kim - [CdM] It's recorded that his younger brother was an early visitor to the Roman town of Londinium. Mabeitsbekos was so taken with the place, he decided to settle there.
Rosie - Honeybees - investigated the geometrical properties of the hexagon.
Rosie - Aniros - Innovative musical entertainer.
Rosie - Dos - Inventor of the abacus.
Rosie - Andantes - A tranquil fellow, known for his leisurely gait.
Raak - Nobody liked Mandes.
Simons Mith - Similes was widely known as a one-off; everyone agreed that while a few people came close, there was no-one else quite like him.
Raak - [SM] Metaphor was his brother though.
Giertrud - Telephone - [Tel-ef-a-knee] Greek goddess of communication
kagomeshuko - Harmonies - Greek God of multiple tunes.
Raak - Thon was the Greek god to whom feats of endurance were dedicated.
Kim - Little is known of the Awgöongöon, a tribe originating from a small enclave in Northern Sparta. Archaeological remnants indicate that they abandoned their ancestral home of Κραγγι, and, guided by their inspirational leader Τεδ, settled on a remote island somewhere off the west coast of Ireland.
Quendalon - The philosopher Coriander propounded the doctrine that gustatory pleasure was the very spice of life.
Simons Mith - Machines was misclassified as an early Greek for many years until scholars realised he was actually Scottish.
Kim - Joncles - Arguably the greatest of the Greek comic playrights.
Rosie - Recoupoulos - the founder of modern ideas on insurance. (Kim) Greatest? Maybe the tallest or grumpiest. :-)
kagomeshuko - Telescope - An ancient Greek philosopher who charted the land using the stars that he saw in the night sky.
Rosie - Polos - the first real confectioner.
Quendalon - Monsoön - the irascible inventor of meteorology.
Raak - Baton lived a precarious existence. Whatever he got his hands on, he gave away to someone else.
Kim - Penelope - our very own Greek goddess.
Simons Mith - Suicides – Killed himself, and, alas, took several others with him.
*shouts, screams, generally goes wild for Simons Mith*
Simons Mith - I've been struggling to think of one last -es name for days. Once I finally got one, I had little choice but to play it with some extra collateral damage.
Simons Mith - I've just thought of the twin brothers famous for their dancing - Hansnes and Bumsadases
This is the end of the line. There is no more.