We've had several open game slots hanging about forever, with all of us puzzling what to put in them. And as they say, a problem saved is a problem earned, so let's cast a silk purse to the wind and see what the boat drags in.
New game: Bent Saws. Let's get on with it. (Winning move unaltered).
Kim - In the land of the bush, the one-birded man is king.
Simons Mith - The early worm catches as catch can.
Graham III - A hand in the bird is worth two in the bush, declaring probably not original.
Robin - A bird in the Strand is worth two in Shepherd's Bush, declaring definitely not original
Software - That's the way the cookie bounces.
ImNotJohn - Gird up your loins and tie up the loose ends. (attrib: Clive Jenkins)
Raak - The apple does not fall far from the greengrocer's stall.
Graham III - Waste not the broth.
Simons Mith - Too many cooks spoil the child.
Raak - Least said, soonest ended.
Rosie - There's many a slip 'twixt D-cup and liposuction.
Projoy - The early bird catchee monkee.
Software - Make hay while the grass grows under your feet.
Kim - Least said, soon parted.
Raak - Rain in November, Christmas in December.
Robin - You can't make an omelette without breaking wind.
Raak - An old favorite, Many are cauld, but few are frozen.
Software - A fool and his money is a friend indeed.
Raak - As you sew, so shall you rend.
Raak - Don't keep a dog and bite yourself.
Robin - Mustard with mutton dressed as lamb.
Software - A miss is as good as a fair maid.
Raak - If you can't stand the heat, take a siesta while the sun shines.
Raak - Laugh and the world laughs with you, weep and the world laughs at you.
Robin - When in Rome, see Naples.
Raak - Enough is enough, until you see someone with more.
Kim - Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, for tomorrow never comes.
Software - People who live in glass houses see eye to eye.
Software - Nothing ventured, nothing to write home about.
Raak - See a pin and pick it up and all the day you'll have a pin.
Software - Red sky at night, your house is alight.
Kim - Deuit On Mon Dei
Simons Mith - All work and no trousers.
Raak - Don't put new wine into an old dog.
Software - You can't teach and old dog to cut the mustard.
Raak - Everyone is wise after the fat lady sings.
Raak - You can't kill two birds with one stone. Use a double-barrelled shotgun.
Raak - He who lives by the sword, dies by the gun.
Raak - However sharp the knife, it is the hand that cuts.
Software - The grass is always greener when the fat lady sings.
Raak - As you sow, so shall the government reap.
Software - It the fly in the woodpile.
I Say, Porter! - He who laughs last is slowest on the uptake.
Software - Don't keep the dog in the ointment.
Raak - All you need is love and war.
Raak - Better the Devil you know than the Devil who knows you.
Simons Mith - Ne'er cast a pig in a poke till May is out.
Raak - Easy come reveal
Raak -
Discretion is the better part
Of knocking down the applecart.
Simons Mith - Let he who is without fire do as the Romans do.
Raak - Chacun à son goat.
Raak - Don't teach your grandmother new tricks.
Raak - Oops. Fortune favours the bold.
Software - You have to be cruel to break the camel's back.
Kim - A Rolling Stone may break my bones but where there's muck, there's hope.
Simons Mith - A stitch in the eye favours the bold.
Kim - A picture paints a thousand ships.
Software - Out of sight the heart grows fonder.
Software - Where there's muck there's coals to Newcastle.
Robin - Time flies like knives, but fruit flies like bananas.
Simons Mith - Remember, remember the fifth of November
All the rest have thirty one
With rings on her fingers and bells on her toes
This little piggie went "Wee wee wee!" all the way home.
Raak - Doctor! There's a fly in my ointment!
Robin - Least said, the better.
Software - An apple a day keeps Jack a dull boy.
Raak - Every cloud with a silver lining floats like a lead balloon.
Raak - Don't burn your bridges before you cross them.
Raak - In the country of the blind, people live in glass houses.
Raak - There's always more fish in the sea, until one day there aren't.
Raak - There's no government like no government.
Raak - Beer is the mind-killer.
Software - As one door shuts, another door closes.
Raak - There's no place like Rome.
Raak - Virtue has many tools, but attention is the handle that fits them all.
Raak - Better a crumb in safety than a feast in fear. But a feast in safety is better still.
Software - Enough is as good as it gets.
Simons Mith - A miss is as good as a dull boy.
*shouts, screams, generally goes wild for Simons Mith*
Iwasn'tJohn - Mieux vaut être riche et en bonne santé que pauvre et malade.
Raak - I just discovered a page of reversed French proverbs For example (my free translations);

In the kingdom of the blind, the blindest of all is king.

Treat every day as if it was your first.

Nothing happens three times without having happened twice.

Speech is silver, but action is gold.

There's no fire without smoke.

Software - N'eer cast a clout till you turn the other cheek.
Giertrud - An apple a day keeps the ball rolling
KagomeShuko - The early bird from little acorns grows.
This is the end of the line. There is no more.