The egg timer has been miss laid but everything else seems to be here. A simple throw of the die should start you off.
And so it begins...
Inkspot - rattle-rattle 2Landing on yelow, "Return your King"
Simons Mith - Ooh, haven't played this in ages. Give us the dice then. Step step jog jog jog run run run sprint sprint stumble trip Two foot six. Oh man. I was hoping for over forty feet.
penelope - Borrowing someone's Pop-o-Matic, it was well-used in previous games but only ever seemed to come up with a 3. pop-CHUNK 3. Oh.
Tuj - 9 of clubs. Ahh, one of my favourites, this game.
Kim - e4 Already shaping up quite nicely.
Knobbly - < misses a go> ... fiddlesticks
Rosie - Rent!
Chalky - *pipes up* "Miss Scarlett with the lead piping in the Library?"
ImNotJohn - Mrs Bun the Baker's Wife. That'll do nicely.
Tuj - Mrs Bun the Baker's Wife Snap!
Software - Bank!
CdM - rattlerattlerattlerattlerattle 2. Pass.
penelope - pop-CHUNK! 3. hmmm.
Wymo - Drrrr-rrrrrrr-rrrr-gedunk! Er...what the chuffing heck was that?
Inkspot - Three dice this time and attack Vine Street from The Strand 3 not so good.
Software - PxKt, Ck.
ImNotJohn - [Tuj] I huff you.
Chalky - *twists*
Software - Double-six!! Dop, dop, dop. Drat! Down the snake!
CdM - Fifteen-two, fifteen-four, fifteen-six, fifteen-eight, fifteen-ten, fifteen-twelve, fifteen-fourteen, fifteen-sixteen, fifteen-eighteen, fifteen-twenty, fifteen-twentytwo, fifteen-twentyfour, fifteen-twentysix, fifteen-twentyeight, fifteen-thirty, second service.
Phil - [CdM] I'll have one for his nob
Rosie - "Software, you need double six." (CdM) :-)
Tuj - [INJ] Well, I take your bishop with my knight on d4! Didn't see that ocming, eh?
Tuj - or "coming". No triple word score for me, I fancy.
Software - Mayfair! Great, I'll buy it!
Kim - I meld.
Chalky - *sticks*
Uncle Korky - rattlerattlerattle 47 Hmmm... *moves counter* Old Kent Road... *takes card* "Attacked by a Spirit, Craft 4". Well, that's the end of my Wizard. Next one past Go gets my Talisman.
penelope - pop-CHUNK! 6 oooh!! chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik A blue square.
ImNotJohn - [Tuj] Here's the bomb then. Your question is: 'What is the' KABOOM!
Oops, too slow.
Software - "Sorry, Balliol, that 10 to Birkbeck."
CdM - [pen] That's a 3, not a 6.
penelope - [CdM] Back three then. *chik-chik-chik* A purple square.
Tuj - [INJ] You have deaded me again! Moving directly to jail without passing go or collecting £200.
Knobbly - Right; I'm back in... I need at least 8 to move... *throws dice*. Hmm - oh dear. I won't even say it.
Juxtapose - *passes three cards to the left*
Software - Your two and up two.
CdM - rattlerattlerattlerattlerattle ... 37. Right, I accuse Mrs Bun the Baker's Wife, with a snake, in Kamchatka.
Kim - *rattlerattlerattlerattle* Look, just die already, will you?! I play the nine of spoons.
Simons Mith - Second Throw: run run run hop skip hop . . . 28 feet. Well, that's better. Have to see how the third throw comes out.
penelope - pop-CHUNK! 3 chik-chik-chik An orange square.
Chalky - *shuffleshuffleshuffle* Who are you calling a banker?
Software - Two fat ladies, eighty eight!
Wymo - Drrrr-rrrrrrr-rrrr-gedunk! It's doing it again! Haylp!
Simons Mith - [Wymo] Have you taken the shipping spacer out?
Tuj - *rolls dice* -still in jail-
ImNotJohn - quizzling on two triple word scores! ...What do you mean, "it's not spelt like that"?
Software - Two more hotels on Park Lane, please.
Tuj - *rolls dice* Well, I've captured Kamchatka from CdM, but I'm still in jail.
Kim - *flick* Heads
Wymo - *rolls one-sided die* Oooh, a 3.
Tuj - *rolls dice ... fails ... pays £50*
penelope - pop-CHUNK! 3 chik-chik-chik bzzzzzzzzzzzzzz A radioactive square.
Software - mmmmm... I miss 2 turns *sits back and takes sip from drink*
Knobbly - Who's turn is it?
Simons Mith - Must be mine. Galumph galumph galumph sproinnnnnggg No throw. Oh, drat
Software - Oh, Community Chest! *takes top card and turns it over* Bollocks, "you have been fined £50 for speeding". Bah!
Chalky - Four bamboos
Kim - *rattlerattlerattleplink*. 6 - hmmm, *tap-tap-tap-tap-tap-tap*. Check.
Rosie - Porn takes bishop. (Kim) :-)
Wymo - *rattlerattlerattlerattlerattlerattlerattlerattlerattle, rattlerattlerattlerattlerattle, rattlerattlerattlerattle plink* - oh dear, a zero.
ImNotJohn - I'll have one from the top and 5 from the bottom, please Carol.
Software - "Pass"
penelope - Two billion, seven thousand two hundred and seventy five million, five hundred and thirty thousand, four hundred and forty four; Two billion, seven thousand two hundred and seventy five million, five hundred and thirty thousand, four hundred and forty five... Oh sod it. This is taking such a long time. Ready or not, here I come!
Wymo - regrets hiding from Penelope behind pile of week-old laundry
The Doctor - Two Hearts.
ImNotJohn - Can I have a pee please Bob? (*trad)
Software - I'll take the money.
Inkspot - spin-it...twist-it...spin-it...flick-it...pull-it ...f**k it.
Pablo - Just peeking in for a moment...oh, I've scored a twenty-seven!!! That puts me in bed with Colonel Mustard! Whooopeeeee!!!
Robin - Spin...
7 7 Cherry
7 7 Melon
Oh bummer...
penelope - POP-chunk! 3 oooh, it sounds different. But the result is the same :o(
Software - Spin ... Roll... rumble rumble ... Pink! Tinkle.. chink.. chink ... Oh, bugger! Not zero AGAIN!
Kim - I meld.
Tuj - *knock*
Inkspot - Pichachu attack with bobble hat frenzy.
Rosie - All I've got is a pair of queens.
Software - Speak for yourself, ducky. Knock.
Wymo - I've got the flag! I've got the flag!
CdM - OK, there's a 5 next to this square and also a 4 so, two three, if it's a mine then the one next to isn't, in which case that one is a 3 and that one is a 2 so that one is a mine and that one is either a 2 or a 3, so if it's a 2 then that one must be a 2 as well, but then one can't be a 1 so that one must be a 3 which means this one is a 1 or else if that first one isn't a mine then that one is so that one is a 2 and so is that one, and so that one is a 1 which is impossible so that one is definitely a 1 so this one must be a mine! *click. Oh b*gger.
Simons Mith - Well, the Hydrans are pulling back their entire fleet to the Hydran capital. The Kzintis are building two medium cruisers, and spending the rest of the EPs on repairs, and the Federation . . . still hasn't entered the bleedin' war. It's turn six FFS! The Feds are so like the Americans it's uncanny.
Robin - [CdM] No, it was a 7. Remember that each row, column and 3x3 block have to contain the numbers 1 to 9.
Anyway, I only need 3 to get out, so crafty use of Penelope's Pop-O-Matic should help.
POP-chunk! 17
Blast, overshot. That puts me at London Bridge with Miss Scarlett and a dead whale.
Kim - The answer is "Esther and Abi Ofarim".
Unferth - rattle rattle rattle--...clunk!. Oh dear. My dentures are out.
Onto the dice roll... different-rattle-different-rattle--plop! Ah, two, doubles, roll again... dr-dr-dr-p four doubles, roll again... plop six, doubles, roll again... eight... ten... twenty, do I hear twenty? Twenty-five bid? Twenty-five, do I hear?
Botherer - All my money on red. C'mon red! Please God, redredredredredredred...

Anyone lend me a pound?
nights - POP-chunk!. Oh. Uhm, Western Philosophy please.
CdM - rattlerattlerattlerattlerattlerattle 8 tinktinktinktinktinktinktinktink Go back three spaces tinktinktink. Oh. Hi pen! Um, I may have some bad news for you...
Software - I'll have a "P" please Bob.
Rosie - I'd lead a club, Mr Eriksson.
Botherer - Double 6. Ha! Take that, Mr Monopoly!
nights - shakeshakeshake (takes a card). Aha! (lays down cards) Gin.
Pave - I choose TOP SPEED....mine's 156mph.
Wymo - Hmm...question or nominate?
Juxtapose - What's a 6-letter word for "brummy", anyway?
Pave - Damn...I landed on a line. That's one shoe off I believe?
nights - Am I Pope Gregory IX?
Tuj - Red... black... red... blue... red... blue... red... yellow... yellow... SNAP!
Wymo - I've just rolled a 5. Which is strange because I don't have any dice.
Pave - L13?
nights - You sank my Battleshit.
Tuj - BZZZZT! Hesitation (and I claim my five yen)
CdM - OK, so it now reads
M O R _ I _ G T O _ C R E S C E _ T
Um, an "L", please...
nights - Hearts are broken.
Software - What's in the box?
Kim - Two!
Tuj - [Kim] ...and one for his nob is three.
Botherer - SNAP!
Tolken - Banco! As always
Inkspot - Yellow, oh yes, that's more like it, Advance to the next Age
CdM - rattlerattlerattlerattle Double 8 Yes! That gets me exactly to Finish, and allows me to bankrupt everyone, lay down my grand slam (which includes a full house, by the way), identify the murderer, capture the last of your armies, and play Boardo!, Mornington Crescent, and Checkmate.
Audience - *shouts, screams generally goes wild for CdM*
Kim - *shrugs*. It's just luck.....
This is the end of the line. There is no more.