Well, our MC-playing muscles have probably become a bit atrophied from lack of use, so how about a simple game so we can all limber up a bit? Let's see:
  • The Finsbury Option is available at all times.
  • You can have no more than three pegs, two spoons and ten tokens in play at any one time.
  • Oblique moves shall imply open laterals and vice versa.
  • The magnitude of the Argand diagram of the second differential of Line Velocity shall not exceed unity without the prior agreement of all players.
  • Prior agreement may be obtained retrospectively by inter-toggling the snoods, but obviously that will invert the Bakerloo line unless there is at least a semi-active frume within three moves of Sloane Square.
There. I don't think I can simplify things any further than that without making a travesty of the entire game. So, let's get on with it then.

And so it begins...

This is the end of the line. There is no more.