As we endeavour to keep our produce fresh, and after a flood of request after the last game, herewith shall be played another quick game to pass the time. MC in 11, folks, that's the challenge...
And so it begins...
Midnight Blue
Kicking off with the highly unorthodox Elverson Road, which may force some frantic straddling later. Oh, and home at Goodge Street.
Sea Green
Oooh, fab! Archway - a little unorthodox, I know, but if it's straddling you want....
Midnight Blue
All right. Let's force orthogonal moves with Boston Manor, and place a variety of money-shaped podumes in Bank.
Um... I guess Swiss Cottage isn't out of the question at this point.
Midnight Blue
élision to Marble Arch.
No choice but to play Earls Court
Which opens up Arnos Grove (careful now)
Blanched Almond
Taking care, but sliding down the Embankment.
Fire Brick
Ah-ha! That means I can straddle to Bank, relocating podumes to the positions of the last three moves to form a Hamiltonian Triangle centred at... well, you'll see.
Never mind the diodes down my left side I went to Angel and the podumes blew the power recifier in my right toe.
... {after an almost siml-post} [Marvin] come to Mornington Crescent and I'll fix your diodes and power recifier.
*shouts, screams, generally goes wild for Puckoon*
This is the end of the line. There is no more.