Two teams: Two colours; one tale, one finish. Seconds out...
And so it begins...

The Cornflower Blue Team's target end line is: “even though the cup of tea had spilt over his lap, Jack smiled when the saucer landed on the moon,”
The Crimson Team’s target line is: “as she lay on the Werewolf’s bed she heard a final shriek before it all went silent”
It was a beautiful sunny day as Little Red Riding Hood left her parents' humble cottage on the edge of the wood. How ironic, given the dark events that were to overtake her before nightfall. She shuddered and pulled her hood closely over her head.
She grasped her special magic cup of tea, with its amazing levitating saucer, which she was going to take to her close friend Jack, whose beanstalk was admired throughout the land. "Isn't it lucky," she thought to herself, "that there are no such things as Werewolves any more." And so she set off.
And so she sang, 'ti-tum-ti-tum-ti-tum... tum-diddly-dum', galloping gaily along the path towards the woods. But what was that?! A rustling in the bushes.
"Good gracious! What a coincidence!" she thought, for as she leant forward, she realised the dishevelled figure before her was the very Jack she was off to visit! Perhaps, she thought, she could revive him somehow?
Shame there wasn't any moonlight. Sadly the moon had been completely obliterated, never to return to its rightful place in the sky, by Comet Kamikaze back in the early days of the Lunic War. But suddenly, just as she drew close to the shadowy mass, the first of a series of portentous shrieks pierced the silence.
Yes, it was Jack, after all. In the dark, she had slipped, dropping the tea and launching the saucer into space, but, despite all this, even though the cup of tea had spilt over his lap, Jack smiled when the saucer landed on the moon.
That was a bit easy. I think we need a second, more challenging round of this.
Oops, I didn't explain the moon re-appearing. OK, ignore this post and my previous two. Continue from Chalky please.
Of course, being a keen follower of world events and a junior ornithologist (two ravens and bar), she realised that the noise was merely a barn owl and that the moon, whilst displaced from its old orbit, still circled the Earth (albeit in much closer proximity) and that according to Carl Sagan the residual dust occasioned by the Lunic War would take mere days to disperse into interplanetary space courtesy of the stellar wind.
As Jack stood up Little Red Riding Hood saw the lipstick mark on his collar. Was he seeing Cinderella again after all his promises? She grabbed his hand and pulled him onto the path.
On the path they found Cinderella revealing her backside to them. Jack threw his arms up in suprise and even though the cup of tea had spilt over his lap, Jack smiled when the saucer landed on the moon.
Well that was easier than expected.
... like the game of Mornington Crescent in its purest form, the enjoyment of this particular variant is participatory, anticipatory, circulatory, narratory and any other -atory you may care to throw on the pile.
A race to the finishing line, it most certainly is not!
Patience gentlemen please :-)
[and a little wry subtlety wouldn't go amiss]
*shakes head in despair*
I think I'll just observe this one, I'm no good at telling stories. Not to people that aren't the police, anyway.
All right. How about making the final line a bit more convoluted, a bit like the ones in the very early editions of ISIHAC? Anyway, I'm up for another round.
I would like to see this storyline continue for a bit longer. These games are rare these days and it would be nice to be able to savour it for a bit longer. But there may be a case another time for a game of Limited Edition Kamakazee Tag Wrestling.
Or of course we could play it in reverse...
Or perhaps in verse...
There was a time long ago before time began when teams would come together in combat to tell a tale of two halves as the teams sparred and jostled. But here today we see the result of the 24/7 give it to me now culture. And so in haste our story has been finished; all there is for me to say is the end.
*shouts, screams, generally goes wild for Storyteller*
Hey! What happened? Can we refound this one?
[Breadmaster] Surely this must go down as one of the least popular games on this server. There were calls from players for it but with successive New Game slots something else was unceremoniously started. When this became available I hurriedly came up with two finish lines. However the rejection of Tag Wresting as a form was rejected very early when two the two lines were contrived to be played in almost as many moves.
Should you wish to start the game again do what has been by Rab and sleigh a game tonight.
End lines for this game are a complete bastard to get right. Have a look here, here, here or here for what happens when they go even the merest tad awry. Which is all the more reason for starting another one and trying to get it right
There are good examples of the form in the archives at MCiOS, it is only a shame some people had not bothered to look them up. There is a very good reason for hiding the finish to stop early contrived victories before the storyline has developed. Playing the tag line after 6 moves is presumptious and terrible afront to the other players who have only been able to play the one move. This was not labeled Short Stories or Speed Crescent. I was looking forward to a well fought out tale as it was pulled from one direction to the other, to me that is the essence of the game. Not once upon a time hastily followed by the end.
Hehe... moccasin.
This is the end of the line. There is no more.