A chance to exchange notes on the little everyday things that cheer you up when you're down, or make an ordinary day into a better one. Winning move unaltered.
Rosie - (Raak) Indeed, but what about the other 1018 or so?
Simons Mith - I have a new pleasure to add: Using 'phut' as an expletive.
Rosie - Experiencing a good night-time thunderstorm. There's just been one here but they were a lot more frequent in the '50s and '60s.
Simons Mith - A follow-on from the last: florid and exuberant words.
Bamboozle, euphonium, badonkadonk, oleaginous, hornswoggle, sonorous... 'Exuberant' itself, for that matter.
Phil - Using singular verbs for "none" as it sure as heck isn't plural
Something I have inherited from my late dad is saying, for example, "none of them is even remotely competent". It genuinely gives me pleasure in a way that using the subjunctive in conversation no longer does.
Rosie - (Phil) Similarly, Not inserting an intrusive "r", as in "Aston Villa is a football club."
Simons Mith - Seeing someone rocking cool or fun clothes
Sharp blue trouser suit, fluorescent orange heels - although it did look like the heels were killing her
Pablo - Having just moved to Sheffield ("that city of razors and knives" - John Betjeman), getting in a pint for well under a fiver. This is a beer city for sure.
Raak - 1. The words "tasselled wobbegong".
2. Discovering that there is such a thing as the tasselled wobbegong.
3. Discovering that furthermore, it exists on this very planet.
Simons Mith - [Raak] What a ... creature. And we're told, "The tasselled wobbegong can be readily identified by the fringe of dermal lobes on its head." Which is all well and good, but I can't help but notice that the reader is left entirely to their own devices for identifying which part is the head.
Raak - "The tasselled wobbegong can be..." A sentence worthy of Jack Vance!
Rosie - Getting a birthday present from Waitrose I was nattering away to an assistant and mentioned I'd just had a birthday. He reached up to the shelf and pulled down a box of chocolates and said "I've seen you here quite a lot so have this on the house". I'd scoffed the lot by the end of the evening.
nights - Confusing students thoroughly by using measurements in teragrams. I've always said I became a teacher chiefly to amuse myself.
Rosie - (nights) That's about a million tons, innit? Have you thought of using attoparsecs? It's about 3 cm, a little over an inch.
KagomeShuko - I've been into TikTok lately and sometimes there's this really awesome pianist that does at-home piano bars. It makes me so happy as do all of the people that come in for them. Sometimes he has gigs that he's allowed to broadcast on TikTok and that makes me happy, too. And the regulars come in, too.
Pablo - Reading the thought: "We need free speech, that's how we find out who all the idiots are"
Simons Mith - Wide window sills
Yes, it's a bit random, but I chanced to be reminded of it this evening, so I'm putting it in. When I was a kid, my house has wide window sills. Wide enough for a kid to sit on. And in the summer, I used to sit on the window sill and read for hours after my bedtime, sometimes till 4am or so, I suspect. The only risk of being spotted would have been if my parents decided to go into the garden, which they basically never did after about 6pm, any time of year. Some of my friends' houses had or have yucky, narrow window sills, and I always viewed them (the sills, that is) with disdain. My current house also has nice wide window sills everywhere, and while I no longer need them as ad-hoc midnight seating, they're still handy for plant pots, ornaments and things. It's only a little thing, almost inconsequential really, but that's what little pleasures are all about, so I'm putting it in this game.
KagomeShuko - Posting on behalf of something or someone else: Seeing a frog, jumping out of a lap, and nosing at said frog in order to make it jump and then finding it and nosing it again and making it jump.
Stevie - Discovering that the Internet has the lyrics to the songs on Faust Tapes inside it.
J'ais mal aux dents, J'ais mal aux pieds aussie
J'ais mal aux dents, J'ais mal aux pieds aussie
J'ais mal aux dents, J'ais mal aux pieds aussie
Simons Mith - A ripe peach
KagomeShuko - Getting food delivered when you aren't feeling good.
Rosie - (Stevie) Woss wrong with yer feet, cobber?
Superman - Schadenfreude when things go well for a pessimist.
CdM - [Superman] Other people's schadenfreude makes me sad.
Projoy - The triangle where the collarbone meets the neck
Simons Mith - Moving your limbs I'm not so keen on getting too hot, or too cold, or rained on, or achey or blistered or whatever, but physical activity is undeniably a net plus even if there are a few flies in the ointment.
Raak - [SM] The flies are the best part!
Stevie - Perpetrating names like Boots, Bewts, Butes, Bootes, Marchinup & Downagen Solicitors and Commissioners of Oaths on the Americans in my Space 1889 game. Count Oberluft and Baroness Von Klyster have also made appearances.
Projoy - Nobody to stop me eating an entire box of chocolates in the first half of the latest Doctor Who episode
Bismarck - Doing a syrtaki with some friends.
Muse - My automatically waving at people, when I take my morning walk, eventually paying off when people start waving at me first!
Rosie - Playing an augmented 9th (on the piano). A nice, tangy jazz chord. Can't leave it hanging, though. .
Simons Mith - Catching the last sunbeam
CdM - A fig straight from the tree.
Simons Mith - @Muse I'm trying to cultivate the habit of smiling at everyone, especially people working in shops. If it helps just a tiny bit I think it's worthwhile.
CdM - Secretly laughing at weird smiley people
Projoy - Mushy peas
Pablo - Living through the first day that the temperature in Sheffield hits 18 degrees.
Simons Mith - [Pablo] What, the first ever? Wow :-)
Kim - Discovering that plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose is actually true.
Why not take a stand?