Anagrams of names of holidays...
nfras - Off-topic, but returning to the royal wedding off-topic, "Pippa Middleton" is "Lapped Midpoint"
KagomeShuko - Off-topic, what's a winning move?
irach - Fourth of July- Of hurtful joy.
nfras - Melbourne Cup Day - Lube my proud cane.
nfras - Proclamation Day - I, Tom, crap on a lady
Rosie - Empire Day (still around when ah were a lad) - My ID? A peer.
Chalky - Whitsun Nut wish
cfm - Christmas Eve Thieves scram
Phil - Phils forty fourth birthday - This frothy frothy pub laird.
KagomeShuko - Woofle's Birthday - lofty-browed shia reveal
Phil - [KS] reveal
Rosie - (Phil) You may be foist upon your own petard+ny(anag.) because how do you know KS's dog is not called Woofle.?
KagomeShuko - [Phil] reveal
Phil - [Rosie] Because she said so ("my dog, Woofles"). And also because Woofle is a stupid name for a dog.
Back to business: Motorhead Day reveal - Oh to daydream
Giertrud - Ramadan - Mar a nad reveal
Graham III - Eid. Ide *avoiding the obvious*
Graham III - Eid al-Fitr - Trifle aid (or Lie adrift, or Airlifted, or Ideal rift or...)
Botherer - Hooray! The kids have gone back. Groovy! A beached knot, a sheikh.
KagomeShuko - Neither Rain Nor Snow Day - Edwin Rhine, Arson Notary
nfras - Leif Erikson Day - I Delay Foreskin
irach - Day of the Dead. Ye odd fathead.
nfras - Poets Day - Pasty Ode
irach - All Saints Day - It's anally sad.
nfras - Guy Fawkes Night - Huge Swanky Gift.
Giertrud - Guy Fawkes Day - Yuk! Sew Gadafy? (one of many ways to spell his name...)
Phil - Thanksgiving Day USA - Hug a skydiving Satan
Phil - Also in shock fashion news: "Kids shun Gaga Vanity"
Rosie - Start up a choir on Ascension Day - DIY assonance.
Rosie - (Phil) I'm sure you'd be delighted to receive a text to the effect that "U'd shag stinky vagina".
Phil - [Rosie] I did come across quite a few Philthy versions, but censored myself (first time for everything, eh!).
Phil - Meanwhile, in the UK, this week is National Tree Week - "Kneel on tea waiter", and some Philth for Rosie, reveal
irach - Boxing Day - Bind gay ox.
Giertrud - Feast of Saint Stephen - Eat off the ant spines.
KagomeShuko - Las Posadas - Soap Salads
irach - Three Kings' Day Hey, dear knights
irach - Three Kings' Day Retakes dinghy
Raak - End Times Sediment.
The Crack of Doom A Choked Comfort.
The Last Trump Rattle Thumps.
Day of Judgement Tandem Fudge Joy. I don't want to think about what Tandem Fudge might be, but at three months since the last move, I think we have reached it. Mornington Crescent
Raak - Ok, what's the winning move?
Giertrud - This is. ♗
Giertrud - Or it is now, because I say time something was open, and I posted it not understanding how it all worked, But now, that is it.
Giertrud - This needs to be said:
Halloween...a new hello
This is the end of the line. There is no more.