Acronyms - such useful things, especially when they are pared down to Three Letters. We shall have themes, to keep things moving. The game will end when someone plays The Winning Move.
Rosie - The inexperience of these referees has led to the Penalty Claims Culture, which even infects QPR.
FGZstar - Quaint People from the Registan. Talking of which, I suggest we move on to Olympic TLA, hosted by the IOC
Giertrud - Idiotic Old Codgers pandering to an NOC?
KagomeShuko - In Our Corner This was actually way to easy and I spent way to much time on it! NRA
KagomeShuko - Oops, caught my mistake!
KagomeShuko - Why are people Never Opening Concessions? I wonder, why are there so many jerks in the NRA?
Giertrud - Well it's Naturally Real Assholes! The GOP seems to help them out too.
CdM - The once proud party now consists of nothing but Groupies of Palin. We seem to be onto politics rather than Olympics, but that's ok. What do people think of the coverage by NBC?
FGZstar - I never bloody cared for it. I prefer CBS
Juxtapose - The Communist Beatnik Society? Surely you mean CBC...
CdM - With its completely boring coverage? So, how are the DEMs going to do in the midterm elections?
*gasps, fidgets, generally bounces up and down like a small child placed next to a display of cakes*
CdM - Huh? Where did that audience reaction come from??
rab - I have to say, it surprised me too... though having re-worked through my own thought processes, I suspect there's a chance it'll happen quite a few times in this game!
Giertrud - Are those Dorks Eating Mustard? What could that REPresent?
KagomeShuko - The Regulations Existing Presently may change? Has this been discussed on the BBC?
FGZstar - The Bl**dy Blithering C***s? I think they did so, Inadequately on DIMblebly.
*gasps, fidgets, generally bounces up and down like a small child placed next to a display of cakes*
FGZstar - I think I know why the audience reacts. Try and avoid posting D*M or we'll set it off!
Kim - Let's have a new topic.

I know - Holiday TLA.

Should I FLY or go by CAR?

Software - Fall Lengthways Yelling or Crash Almost Randomly? I think I'd rather go by BUS.
Rosie - Bouncy, Underpowered and Slow. In France I'd go by TGV.
KagomeShuko - But Trains Gather Vagrants! I think I'd rather find defunct TWA!
Giertrud - That Wasted Airline? Why don't we just drive a BMW?
ImNotJohn - But Blackpool's Mighty Wurlitzer only ever goes up and down. Far better to pile into a VAN
Rosie - If you don't mind poncing around in a Victorian Aertex Nightie, but people will think you're a bit ODD.
Software - Old, Doddery and Dangly? That's a bit harsh, Rosie. Perhaps you'd look better in a MAC.
KagomeShuko - But, what is Rosie going to do with a Mirrored Airplane Cockpit? Shouldn't she at least be trying to help us find an REO Speedwagon?
Giertrud - I bet they'll be surprised when that Racecar Enters Odense, but you could easily rent a bike for 45 DKK per day.
Dujon - The Danish KiloKroner sound like a rather hefty price to pay. Well, it does to me. I'd rather swan around in an SUV.
ImNotJohn - Well, a Swan-Upper's Vest is the right thing to swan around in and afterwards you could nip down the PUB.
Knobbly - Why mention the Polyester Umbrella Boutique? I shall go mad I tell you, MAD! (Maniacal cackle continues under next three moves)
Dujon - You are obviously a single person. There is nothing, absolutely nothing, for which Mums and Dads should pilloried. I put the blame for this attitude squarely and bluntly on the PCA. Hrrmph!
Software - Well I should watch out if I were you, the Parental Control Association seems to have lost its grip in many cases. I blame the NUT.
KagomeShuko - Are you sure you want to blame the Nightingale Unification Trust? That seems completely absurd! If there are any birds involved, it's probably an AUK.
Giertrud - Not another ugly kestrel! Their hunting habits make me want to call out OMG!
penelope - Quite so Giertrud - it's a month since the last move, therefore I shall have One More Go before playing the winning move, Mornington Crescent.
ImNotJohn - Hmm, so the winning move isn't anything to do with Midland Outlaws Running Nightly In Night Gowns Over Nottingham Castle Ramparts Eating Splendid Chocolate-Enveloped Nut Tarts.
Maybe it's in Welsh - try something like TWM
*shouts, screams, generally goes wild for ImNotJohn*
ImNotJohn - Well, there you go - try enough random combinations and something will work - my philosophy in life.
penelope - [INJ] Two goes and you find the right 'random combination'? I think you are being too modest - I suspect you probably bothered to view the source!!
ImNotJohn - [Pen] Nope - I just read the instructions. You know, 'When all else fails - RTFM'.
Kim - [INJ] As author of the FM, I salute you.
penelope - I read it too deep, thinking TWM was the NWM (or the UWM), ie MC. Duh.
This is the end of the line. There is no more.