There doesn't seem to have been a historical headlines game on an MC site for yonkeroos. How about one here? *silence ensues* Right then, motion carried.
DrQu+xum - Good Health - "How to feel two weeks younger without even trying"
gil - How about

Hannibal uses Elephants in War against Rome

Janes Defence Review Latest Punic Strike Capability (pictures)
Wol - Travel Agents Gazette: This year - Tuskany!
rab - El Paso - Hannibal Announces Jumbo Battle Plan, maybe with a strap that says New weapon dubbed the "Mother of All Calves"
DrQu+xum - Skiing Monthly - Alpen Slopes Well-Packed
gil - Arts Review Modelling Materials Shortage to End when Carthaginian Reaches Rome.
Thos - The Sun: Hannibal Takes Romans to Tusk (and on Holiday Supplement on page 21: New Roman Trunk Road Opens)
blamelewis - BBCi News UN inspectors find massive weapons of destruction
Martha Farquar - The Independent: Hannibal Crosses Alps With Elephants
followed by: New Scientist: Hannibal Crosses Alps With Elephants; None of the Offspring Survive
gil - The Grauniad - Carthaginian Jumble Mystery
blamelewis - ...seems to have slipped to page 7 that one... how about...

The Creation of the Universe
Raak - Tricycle - Here we go again
Uncle Korky - Housing Today - Unforeseen Boom in Real Estate
gil - FT - How long will the current growth last?
Raak - FT - Chancellor predicts early end to hyperinflation
Martha Farquar - Church Times - Massive Explosion Proves Divine Intervention. "It's a miracle no-one was killed"
Uncle Korky - Sunday Sport - Big Bang: 100% Genuine Photos
Uncle Korky - TV Times - In the Beginning was The Word
rab - The Sun - Where did we get our name from?
Uncle Korky - Classic FM Magazine - Handel shifts writers' block
Martha Farquar - Daily Star - Phew, What A Scorcher!
The Times - IRA Involvement Suspected
Uncle Korky - Sporting Life - Coming Soon: The Big Fight - Church Vs. Science!
rab - Telegraph - From the OpEd pages Why the new universe will never catch on
rab - Mail - New Universe 'easy target' for asylum seekers
rab - Times Higher Education Supplement - Pyrotechnics to be granted Universe status
penelope - Hello! New Universe: Exclusive pictures of the newest habitats and the neighbours you're likely to meet there
Smash Hits New Stars - a chart rundown
Cosmopolitan Reproduction is the New Sex
Martha Farquar - Mirror - Face of Elvis Seen In Debris
Escape! - 3 Nights in Universe - Unseasonably Warm This Season
Martha - Time for a change?
rab - Yes. No so hot on ideas though: I gave up history at the age of about 13...
Martha Farquar - I was going to suggest Famous First Words, Greetings Cards, Jargon, Complete Proverbs, Topical Nursery Rhymes, Misquotations, Name dropping, Translation, or Euro TV and Radio guide. They'd probably all be more popular than this one right now
rab - [Martha] THat list sounds oddly familiar.
Martha Farquar - Thought it might.
blamelewis - Seconded - any of the list sound good.
rab - Out of those I think the Translations might be a priori easiest to play, n'est pas?
Martha Farquar - a priori, that's describing an alumnus from a rehab clinic, doesn't it?
rab - [MF] That's the spirit. Shall we put this one to bed and give the translations a home of their own?
blamelewis - In that case, to end on the Last topic:
Crescent Times CAMREC argues that new Universe has "innapropriate physical conditions" for Mornington Crescent
Audience - *shouts, screams, generally goes wild for blamelewis*
Martha Farquar - Well done, blame. You are now 1= on the league table.
blamelewis - Aha - that's money for old rope! Still it's not like a proper win, but it was fun...
Clementi - Aww, no-one mentioned the London Evening Standard's 'Classic' headline ......... WILSON WIELDS HIS CHOPPER ( this headline was changed by the second edition to read HAROLD WILSON WIELDS HIS AXE as this was felt to be more 'appropriate'!! Great original headline though, don't you all think? :o)
This is the end of the line. There is no more.