Crescenters announce arrivals at a ball nominated by any player, until topics are exhausted or dying, whereupon another social function is picked and it all begins again.
Herr Bratsche - From Staffordshire, Mr & Mrs Bington and their son Bob, and from almost next door, Mr & Mrs Tingham and their daughter Pat. Keeping close company from Birmingham are Bill and Lesley, and our first Jewish family, Mr & Mrs Ihull and their son Sol. Following close behind are Mr & Mrs Wood and their daughter Holly, and not far away are Mr & Mrs Slee and their daughter Mo.
plump - From further afield please welcome Mr & Mrs Shus and their son Maurice
plump - Also please welcome Mr & Mrs Assker and their son Al
Rosie - From a little further east, will you please welcome Mr and Mrs Adelphia and their son Phil.
Dujon - Ooh, they must have arrived on the same plane - please recognis(z)e the Sylvanias and their daughter Penelope
Snodgrass - And all the way from deepest darkest London Town I see Mr and Mrs Sington and their well heeled son, Ken. (Rosie - Agreed but I knwo whihc i'd rathre hvae! Trust you're well)
Snodgrass - And close behind are Mr and Mrs Sippi and their beautiful and curvaceous daughter with no name, Missi
Rosie - Will you please welcome, from Wales via Italy, Mr and Mrs Disi and their son Bryn.
Falstaff - Ladies and Gentlemen, we are shocked and delighted with the arrival of the late Walt Neland in the form of his lovely daughter Daisy.
Rosie - And now let's hear it for Mr and Mrs More and their son Stan.
Puckoon - [Rosie] you forgot his old friend Colin Dale...

Please welcome the holy man from the Eastend Saint Ratford

Software - Please welcome, from Gloucestershire, Mr & Mrs Erstone and their lovely daughter, Bev.
Software - And following them, thier close neighbours Mr & Mrs Chinhampton and thier daughter, Min.
Rosie - And now please give a big hand for Mr and Mrs Mere and their daughter Hazel.
Herr Bratsche - Mr & Mrs Fordonavon and their son Brad.
Rosie - And now it's Mr and Mrs Bull and their son Stanley, whom no-one seems to have heard of. Who Is Stan Bull?
Software - Please stand back for these two hippies smoking spliffs, the High Wycombes.
Herr Bratsche - Mr & Mrs Ford and their daughter Biddy.
Snodgrass - And yes, just emerging from their G Reg Capri are Mr and Mrs Rickey and their laddish offspring Billy/
Rosie - And now can we hear it for Mr and Mrs Th and their son Dar(r)en. (Snodders) I did Billericay earlier, but it's way off the top of the page by now. :-)
Herr Bratsche - Mr & Mrs Saul and their sin Wal.
Herr Bratsche - D'oh! - s/sin/son/
Snodgrass - And in the distance I see Mr and Mrs Morangie and their 15 year old son Glen (Rosie, Sorry, I will try to keep up!)
Rosie - They've come a long way, so a big hand for Mr and Mrs Arkand and their son Sam. Or is it daughter? Mrs Nextdoor is Sam. (Snodders) Dunnit meself, mate, but patronisingly excused on the grounds of senile dementia.
widey - Aye up its Mr & Mrs Eva and their sexy daughter Jen
Rosie - From "the uttermost end of the earth" please welcome Mr and Mrs Agonia and their daughter Pat.
??? - Joining us now are Mr. Deese and his sizzling daughter Haye and behind them approaches the good doctor Dopheles who appears to be escorting his charming assistant Mavis.
plump - Please welcome Mr& Mrs Recoast and their son Ivor
plump - Also welcome Mr & Mrs Ablanker and their daughter Cass
Rosie - Please welcome Mr and Mrs Ingham and their daughter Gill.
Software - From India, please welcome Mr & Mrs Izes and their son, Dev .
Snodgrass - And here with a fresh supply of Scones and Clotted Cream are Mr and Mrs Vergissey and their daughter May (Rosie, Senility is in the eye of the beholder - If we're repeating perhaps its time to change the topic)
Rosie - Still brushing the snow off, but here are Mr and Mrs d'Isère and their daughter Val. (Snodgrass) Wish that were true because I look a lot younger than I am, but my dentist, not to mention all the ex-PantsMC players, knows the awful truth.
Snodgrass - And just behind we see those Swiss socialites, Mr & Mrs Va and their beautiful, and available, daughter Jenny. [Rosie] I know exactly what you mean, I have seen your photo and Mr Angello is to be congratulated LOL.
Rosie - Please welcome another snow-covered couple, Mr and Mrs Sk and their son Tom. (Snodders) How did you know my dentist is called Angelo? (Fernandez, Goanese origin). BTW I took my piccy in a mirror and reversed it, with Photoshop Elements. It's brilliant. Sow's ear to silk purse - no problem. :-)
Puckoon - And arriving a little late we have Mr & Mrs Lass and their son Doug.
falstaff - Ladies and gentlemen, please hold the applause as we usher in Mr and Mrs Singh and their daughters Jen and Singh.
widey - Please welcome the famous motorcycling couple MR & Mrs Staff and their beautiful daughter Bell
Snodgrass - And shivvering through the door I see Mr and Mrs Kyavik and their son Ray [Rosie] Is thet an SLR in your hand or are you just pleased?
Rosie - Please welcome Mr and Mrs Tchewan and their daughter Saska. (Snodgrass) I'm afraid it's just a camera. It was, of course, originally an RLS.
Snodgrass - Please give it up for Mr and Mrs Pines and their son with the perfect complexion Phillip [Rosie] LOL for RLS! Nice to see you up during the day!
LotUS - And a warm welcome for Mr and Mrs Ombo and their detective son Col whose also brought along his pet Rat, Napura.
widey - Adding a nice Welsh/Celtic flavour Mr & Mrs Gest and their son Di
Rosie - Raise your glasses for Mr and Mrs Bourg and their daughter Cher. (Snodders) As you can see from the pic, it does happen, from time to time. (widey) Eh? WTF's Digest?
Herr Bratsche - Mr & Mrs Low and their son Oz.
widey - Mr & Mrs Sota and their daughter Mini
Rosie - Prithee all be upstanding for Mr and Mrs Furt-am-Main and their son Frank.
Rosie - And while you're still on your feet let's hear it for Mr and Mrs Aygo and their daughter Sandy.
ImNotJohn - Mr & Mrs Erham and their lovely daughter Kate
Rosie - And from just down the road here are Mr and Mrs Ley and their son Ken. (ImNJ) Only a mile or two from where I live.
Software - From Scotland, perhaps, please welcome Mr & Mrs Worth and their son, Tam.
plump - Please welcome Mr & Mrs Bucktoo and their son Tim
spliggo - Say, who are these young thespian gentlemen - can it be Messrs Naco, Ritious, (ouch!) Gadishoo, Scow and Naghan? Indeed it is - five guys named Mo!
widey - Hmmmmm I'm not the only one who posted none-place related names, see above!!! and Digest was something for the readers, fna, fna,.......
Rosie - Please welcome Mr and Mrs Buzzard and their son Leighton. (plump) Why didn't I think of that one? :-)
Software - From darkest Wiltshire, please welcome Mr & Mrs Malford and their son, Christian. Ditto, Rosie.
Spliggo - Will you please put your hands together for the Issippi children and their cousins, the Issouris.
SNodgrass - And, yes, the rumour is true, here is Mr and Mrs Ana and their eldest son Guy
Sodgrass - And just behind I see Mr and Mrs Snia-Herzegovinia and their son Bo
ImNotJohn - Mr & Mrs Mington-Spa and their son Lee [Rosie] Not Chaldon, by any chance?
spliggo - and making their presence heard, the OK Chorale with their lead Singa - Pore
Rosie - Please welcome Mr and Mrs Per and their daughter Bel. (ImNotJohn) No, not Chaldon, but Hamsey Green, the Warlingham half.
Herr Bratsche - Mr & Mrs Lock and their son Matt.
plump - Please welcome from the West Indies it's Bob Haydoss and Jim Acre
ImNotJohn - Not to forget their Aunt Ega and her friend Martin Eek.
And who's that over-trendily dressed older man? It must be Trini's Dad
plump - Please welcome Mr & Mrs Jeers and their son Al
Greg - sad
Rosie - Will you please welcome Mr and Mrs Monton and their son Ed.
Rosie - Closely followed by Mr and Mrs Ngay and their son Harry.
st d - Oh look, here's Crystal Palace, withher twin sister, Alexandra.
widey - Mr & Mrs Aviv and their son Tel
Falstaff - Please welcome Mrs. Elsa Ware, her fledgeling daughters Della, Summer, Anna, Averi, and their dashing brother Noah.
Falstaff - OOPS! [Of vital interest to any and all unattached gentlemen present] We are delighted to announce the arrival of their maidenly Aunt, Bee.
Greg - Please Welcome Mr Clothesof twice married and his son oliver
plump - Please welcome Mr & Mrs Otho and their son Les who changed their names by deed poll from Mrs & Mrs Utoland and son Baz
Herr Bratsche - From Russia, Vlad E Vostok, and from central Asia, Sam Markand.
Rosie - Please welcome our American guests, Mr and Mrs Tucky and their son Ken. This game is slowing up. Anyone for a change of subject?
Snodgrass - [Rosie] I agree. Any suggestions ?
Uncle Korky -
I would like to invite all-comers to The Cowboys and Indians Ball.
Please welcome Mr & Mrs Oon, and their daughter Sal.
Chalky - Sorry - the horrid Indians aren't playing properly...
Mornington Crescent
Audience - *shouts, screams, generally goes wild for Chalky*
ImNotJohn - A tad abrupt, I thought - Sioux will be upset
This is the end of the line. There is no more.