Many are called, but few are pants. Winning pants are, of course, unchanged.
And so it begins...
matt - For sweetest things turn foulest by their deeds:
Pants that fester smell much worse than weeds.
Simons Mith - Jeeves: Yes, ma'am. Our English pants are severe.
snorgle - Milton:The serpent, subtlest beast of all the pants.
Blob - Now is the winter of our discontent made glorious summer by this sun of Pants
Simons Mith - Show me the way to go home
I'm tired and I want to go to bed
I had a little drink about an hour ago
And it's gone straight to my pants
Bob the dog - In the beginning, there were pants.
Projoy - We are such stuff as pants are made on
Breadmaster - You have made us for Yourself, and our hearts are restless until they rest in pants.
Ibid - I know I have the body of a weak and feeble woman, but I have the heart and pants of a king
Chalky - Dylan:Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the pants
DrQu+xum - Chamberlain: I have in my pants a piece of paper.
snorgle - Poverty and pants always seem to go together. Dickens
PaulWay - It was the best of pants, it was the worst of pants. (trad)
matt - No! Not the pants probe!
Ibid - William Blake -
Bring me my bow of burning gold!
Bring me my arrows of desire!
Bring me my spear! O clouds, unfold!
Bring me my pants of fire!
Blob - Gray
The curfew tolls the knell of parting day
The lowing herd winds slowly o'er the lea
The ploughman homeward plods his weary way
And leaves the world to darkness and to pants
Breadmaster - Once upon a midnight dreary,
As I pondered, weak and weary,
Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten pants...
DrQu+xum - JFK: Ask not what you pants can do for you...ask what you can do for your pants.
Bob the dog - There's a lady who's sure all that glitters is gold
And she's buying a stairway to heaven
And when she gets there she knows if the stores are closed
With a word she can get what she came for

Woe oh oh oh oh oh
And she's buying pants
penelope - Mary Hopkin circa 1972...
Those were the pants, my friends
We thought they'd never end
We'd sing and dance for ever and a day
Sing of the life we'd chose
We'd thought we'd never lose
Those were the pants
Oh yes those were the pants
snorgle - To sum up: your father, whom you love, dies, you are his heir, you come back to find that hardly was the corpse cold before his younger brother popped onto his throne and into his pants, thereby offending both legal and natural practice. [Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead]
Chalky - Mrs Trellis: If the pants fit...? That's what I always say. Yours in haste
blamelewis - Heavy Breathing I find your lack of pants disturbing
Thos - He's back - and this time he's pantsy
DrQu+xum - And your listeners will realize, John, that the size of my pants, and you'll find that Gordon Brown agrees with me on this in thought, word, deed, and measurements, is well beyond, and I make no apologies for this and see no reason why I or any member of the Cabinet should!
penelope - The cheque's in the pants
Bob the dog - In space, no-one can hear your pants.
matt - There will be no pants at the White House
rab - Leading, naturally, to I did not have sexual relations with those pants.
snorgle - Ask not what your pants can do for you, but what you can do for your pants!
DrQu+xum - The Godfather: I'm going to make him some pants he can't refuse.
[snorgle] BZZZZT! Repetition.
snorgle - It isn't even that long, and I still managed to do it twice! As the bishop said to the pants..
Chalky - [gallumphing] Nellie the Elephant packed her trunk and said goodbye to the cir-CUS, Off she went with a trumpety pants, trump, trump, trump.
Breadmaster - I'm gazing out the window of the St James Hotel
And I know nobody pants the blues like Blind Willie McTell
DrQu+xum - R.E.M. (1987) It's the end of my pants as we know's the end of my pants as we know's the end of my pants as we know it...and I feel fine.
Thos - Vivat Panta
Ibid - I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my pants.
rab - Forrest Gump: Life is like a box of pants
DrQu+xum - Jethro Tull (1971) In the shuffling madness, comes the Locomotive Pants.
penelope - Delia Smith: Half an hour in the pants at Gas Mark 3 or 175 degrees.
Bob the dog - Daddy bear: Whose been sleeping in my pants?
Saskia - Lennon/Mcartney (please note - Lennon first) - Help! I need some pants.
snorgle - Pants, pants, pants, pants, eggs and pants. trad.
DrQu+xum - Manfred Mann (1975) Blinded by the pants, wrapped up like a deuce, another zipper in the night.... Pic by Raak (I think), apologizes to Nina, and condolences to Projoy.
Breadmaster - In Xanadu did Kubla Khan some stately pleasure pants decree...
Breadmaster - Actually, if memory serves, I believe there's a highly amusing pants reference in that poem as it stands anyway, a few lines down...
Chalky - a few lines down .. And from this chasm, with ceaseless turmoil seething, As if this earth in fast thick pants were breathing... Samuel Taylor Coleridge
DrQu+xum - Pink Floyd (1973) The lunatic is on the pants...the lunatics are on the pants....
penelope - Fun Boy Three (1981) The lunatics have taken over the pants
Bob the dog - I'm Waitng For My Pants. by the Velvet Underpants.
matt - Once more unto the pants, dear friends, once more
penelope - A coat-worthy moment from South Pacific: 'I'm going to wash that man right out of my pants'. Yes, I'm going. I think my car's here...
Ibid - Here Men From Planet Earth First Set Foot Upon The Pants
matt - I know why the caged bird pants
rab - Seen on a phonebox: 95% success, 100% pants.
penelope - BBC Weather forecast ...Pants spreading eastwards in freezing temperatures
Ibid - From the original Star Wars - Use the pants, Luke
Breadmaster - And the old classic - He is here. I have felt his pants.
Boolbar - Underpants, overpants, Wombling free . . .
Projoy - We are such stuff as pants are made on, and our little pants are rounded...
penelope - I have in my pants a piece of paper...
Chalky - If music be the food of love, pants on - Orsino, Duke of Illyria
Boolbar - Data error reading drive C
Abort, Retry, Pants?
rab - She loves pants, yeah, yeah, yeah -- The Beatles.
Thos - ..And don't forget you can pay, view and manage your pants account online at
blamelewis - (Another Star Wars one...) "You came in those pants? You're braver than I thought!"
Ibid - Friends, Romans, Countrymen, Lend me your Pants
snorgle - People say that life is the thing, but I prefer pants. -- Logan Pearsall Smith
Breadmaster - You cannot step into the same pants twice - Heraclitus
DrQu+xum - "I'm Spartapants!"
snorgle - I said to a man who stood at the gate of the year: "Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown." And he replied: "Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the pants of God. That shall be to you better than a light, and safer than a known way." Minnie Louise Haskins
penelope - Give Pants a Chance
snorgle - NO TO PANTS!
rab - Along similar lines: Not in our pants!
Ibid - Make pants, not war! and Pants, not bombs!
Bob the dog - Tony Pants.
Boolbar - There'll be blue birds over the white pants of Dover
penelope - Combining Beige Allegory with Pantificating... a seventies disco theme: That's the way (u-huh, u-huh) I like pants (u-huh, u-huh)
Ibid - The US government believes that Saddam Hussein is not compying with the UN pants inspectors
DrQu+xum - [Ibid] Does Iraq have weapons of pants destruction?
Thos - Just Another Day in Pantsadise
Ibid - I'd like to dedicate this award to my pants...
rab - Pants up, baby, pants up, gimme your pants gimme gimme gimme...
LotUS - I shouldn't profane the Celtic Lady in this manner but... Enya Anywhere Is (1996) "I walk the maze of pants..."
Projoy - Half a league, half a league, half a league onward: into the pants of death rode the six hundred.
Projoy - He's got the whole world in his pants... he's got the whole wide world in his pants...
Projoy - There's a time for us
Somewhere a time for us
Hold my pants and I'll take you there
Hold my pants and we're halfway there!
matt - I am the Lord your pants, who brought you out of the pants of Egypt, out of the pants of bondage. Thou shalt have no other pants before me.
Projoy - Strangers in the night, exchanging pantses...
Projoy - Dem pants, dem pants gonna walk around, dem pants, dem pants...
Projoy - Take my pants, I'm a stranger in paradise
Projoy - And, prior to getting my coat, I'm gonna wash that man right out of my pants...
penelope - BBBzzzzttt-ting! [Projoy] South Pacific has been panted before!
Here come da pants! Here come da pants! Everybody stan' cos here come da pants!
Projoy - Why do pants suddenly appear every time you are near?
Thos - Clap pants, here's comes Charlie.
Projoy - A kiss on the pants may be quite continental...
penelope - You're only supposed to blow the bleedin' pants off...
Breadmaster - 'Scuse me while I kiss these pants!
Projoy - Purple pants, growin' in my brain...
Breadmaster - Lady Madonna, lying on the bed, listen to the music playing in your pants
Breadmaster - I can't stand no runnin' around!
I can't stand no put me down!
I put my pants on you,
Because you're mine!
Breadmaster - Hey teacher! Leave those pants alone! Maybe I should go and do some work now...
Breadmaster - The sun has got his pants on, hip hip hip hooray! Nope.
DrQu+xum - Hold me closer, tiny pantser....
Lib - The pants are in the post
Boolbar - Go Kylie Go!
La la la
La la la la la
La la la
La la la la la
I just can't get you out of my pants
. . . . .
penelope - Let's do the pants warp agaaiiiiiin!
Ibid - Let the pants come to Mohammed
Projoy - We have had a full and frank exchange of pants
Projoy - Make a little birdhouse in your pants...
DrQu+xum - (Lennon) Imagine there's no's easy if you try....
Breadmaster - (L&M) I don't care too much for money,
Money can't buy me pants.
Can't buy me pants, pants,
Money can't buy me pants.
Can't buy me pants, pants.
No no no, no!
Projoy - The pants will come out tomorrow, bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow, there'll be pants...
snorgle - Tell me why I don't like pants, Tell me why I don't like pants, Tell me why I don't like pants..ooh ooh ooh!
Breadmaster - Burn, baby, burn! It's a pants inferno!
penelope - This is the dawning of the Age of Pants
Breadmaster - She's only a bird in some gilded pants,
A beautiful sight to see.
You may think she's happy and free from care,
She's not, though she seems to be.
It's sad when you think of her wasted life,
For youth cannot mate with age.
And her beauty was sold for an old man's gold,
She's a bird in some gilded pants.
DrQu+xum - Pants, pants, the Rattlin' Pants,
The pants down in the valley-o,
We're from the Rattlin' Pants,
The pants down in the valley-o!

And in those pants there was a leg.
A rare leg, the Rattlin' leg,
From the leg to pants down in the valley-o!


And on that leg there was a knee.
A rare knee, the Rattlin' knee,
From the knee to the leg,
From the leg to pants down in the valley-o!


And on the knee there was a hair.
A rare hair, the Rattlin' hair,
From the hair to the knee,
From the knee to the leg,
From the leg to pants down in the valley-o!

Projoy - I hope you don't mind, I hope you don't mind, that I put down in words, how wonderful life is now you're in the pants.
Father Ibid - My lovely pants, running through the field
Ibid - It's the end of the pants as we know it
It's the end of the pants as we know it
It's the end of the pants as we know it
And I feel fine
Ibid - Follow me, don't follow me
I've got my spine, I've got my orange pants
Ibid - Pants. huh! Yeah!
What are they good for?
Absolutely nothin'! Uh huh uh hu-uh.
Ibid - You know that I would be untrue
You know that I would be a liar
If I were to say to you
Girl, we couldn't get much higher
Come on baby light, my pants
DrQu+xum - This one goes out to the pants I love...
This one goes out to the pants I left behind....
Breadmaster - Won't you wear my pants around your neck,
To show the world, I'm yours by heck?
Qu+xiana Jones - Pants...why did it have to be pants?
Lib - All together now..... Always look on the pants side of life, do-do do-do do do do do do do...
Projoy - The sun is up./The sky is blue./There's not a cloud to spoil the view,/But it's raining/Raining in my pants...
PaulWay - Kraftwerk's seminal hit Pants Non Stop
PaulWay - Or The Eurhythmics' hit There must be an Angel, playing with my Pants
rab - The best things in life are pants
Martha Farquar - Put your sweet lips a little closer to the pants
Let's pretend that we're together, all alone...
Breadmaster - We are fighting to win the hearts and pants of the Iraqi people.
Charlton Heston - You've got to warn everyone and tell them: Soylent Green is pants!
Anfield crowd - When you walk through the storm, hold your pants up high and don't be afraid of the dark
Col. Kilgore - Man I love the smell of pants in the mornin'. Smells like victory.
Charlton Heston - Get your stinking pants off me you damn dirty ape!
Colin Mochrie - Is a bear Catholic?
Stephen Frost: Does the Pope shit in the pants?
Sinatra - I've got you under my pants, I've got you deep in the heart of me...
Our Beloved President - There's no doubt in my mind that we should allow the world worst leaders to hold America hostage, to threaten our peace, to threaten our friends and allies with the world's worst pants.
Charlton Heston - The Lord of Hosts will do battle for us, behold his mighty pants.
Yoda - You must not underestimate the pants of the Emperor.
M. Licinius Crassus - I'm not after glory! I'm after pants.
Prince Charming - Rapunzel! Rapunzel! Let down your pants!
Galadriel - I feel it in the water, I feel it in the earth, I smell it in the pants.
Charlton Heston - My gun will have to be torn... from my cold, dead pants!
Legolas - A shadow and a threat has been growing in my pants.
Martha Farquar - We ain't got no pants. I don't have to show you any steenkin' pants!
snorgle - ZIRA Those fools and their pants! (Planet of the Apes)
"Soap" - Oi! Keep your fingers out of my pants!
rab - Get Your Pants Off Our Lawn (c) John Major
PaulWay - Midnight Oil's The Power and the Pants
PaulWay - The Eurhythmics again with Missionary Pants
Ibid Durden - The first rule of Pants Club is - you do not talk about Pants Club
Dark Lord of the Sith - I sense a tremor in the pants. The last time I felt it was in the presence of my old master.
penelope - Please Mind The Pants
Bob the patriot - I pledge allegiance to my pants
PaulWay - Golden Pants by The Stranglers. [Dark Lord] "You came in those pants? You're braver than I thought!"
Kylie again - Come, come, come into my pants...
Ibid - the Long and Winding Road... that leads to your pants...
DrQu+xum - (Kansas) All we are is dust in the pants....
PaulWay - David Bowie: I'm Afraid Of Pants
Wol - As pants the hart for cooling streams ... or have I got the wrong game?
penelope - Spandau Ballet..Through the Pants.
Boolbar - Kate Bush with her new single The Man With The Child In His Pants with b-side Sat In Your Pants.
Bob the dog - This Nation's Saving Pants.
Martha Farquar - Father, into thy hands I commend my pants
Breadmaster - I saw a mouse!
Where? There on the stair!
Where on the stair? Right there!
A little mouse with pants on. Well I declare!
Going clip, clippetty clop on the stair.
Ibid - Nation shall speak unto Pants
Bob the dog - Pants, pants, pants, pants, pants, egg, cheese, pants, pants, pants and pants.
blamelewis - Hey babe, take a walk on the Wild Pants
Ibid - Stars shining bright above you
Night breezes seem to whisper "I love you"
Birds singin' in the sycamore tree
Dream a little dream of pants
Aragorn - You have my sword
Legolas - And my bow
Gimli - And my pants.
Celine Dion - My pants will go on [Gimli] LOL!
Karen Carpenter - Why do pants suddenly appear
every time you are near?
Karen's Other Carpenter - Calling occupants of interplanetary pants
Calling occupants of interplanetary, most extraordinary pants
Breadmaster - Ground control to Major Tom.
Ground control to Major Tom.
Take your protein pills and put your pants on.
Robbie Williams - Get your pants off
Get your pants off, honey
Shake it now, now,
Get em off downtown
Dr. Samuel Johnson - I put my pants upon my head
And walked into the Strand
And there I met another man
Whose pants were in his hand
rab - And following on... A man who is tired of pants is tired of life
Ibid Newton - If I have seen farther than others, it is because I was standing on the pants of giants.
T. "rab" Blair - Now is not a time for soundbites... but I really do feel the hand of history on my pants.
F Scott Fitzgerald - I'll tell you something about the very rich. They are different from you and me.
Hemingway - Yes, they have more pants.
Whistler - I wish I'd said Pants.
Wilde pants - You will James, you will.
Hannibal Lecter - Sr. Pazzi, I'm giving very serious thought to eating your pants.
Carmine - If poop had value, the poor would be born without pants.
penelope -
I'm going to tell you how it's gonna be
You're going to give your pants to me
blamelewis - Your fathers pants. He wanted you to have them when you were old enough
matt - These aren't the pants you're looking for.
Chief Orc - The pants are strong my lord...
Saruman - Rip them all down!
Ibid - We can't all be pants because somebody has to sit on the curb and clap as they go by.
Chrysler Cordoba - Rich Corinthian Leather Pants
blamelewis - The pants of the righteous man are beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of zippers. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the pants through the valley of the darkness. For he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost pants. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my pants. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay my pants upon you.
PaulWay - These pants were made for walking / That's just what they'll do / One of these days these pants are / going to walk all over you.
Martha Farquar - We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking up at the pants
I Say, Porter! - If you change your MIND, I'll be first in LINE, take a look and SEE, take a PANTS on me.
I Say, Porter! - Hungarian: I will not buy this record, it is pants
Tobacconist: No, this is a tobacconists
Hungarian: Ah! I will not buy this tobacconists it is pants
I Say, Porter! - Read my lips: No new pants! Am I hogging this game a bit? It's nice to be back.
rab - [IS,P!] Welcome back!
Martha Farquar - Money money money
Must be funny
In a rich man's pants
I Say, Porter! - Humph: And now it's time to play a game called Mornington Pants
I Say, Porter! - Oops. forgot the bold tags. How do I love thee? Let me count the pants.
Harry Callahan - You gotta ask yerself one question. "Do I feel pants?" Well, do ya, punk?
Elwood Blues - It's 106 miles to Chicago, we've got as full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing pants.
Pink Floyd - All in all, you're just another brick in the pants.
I Say, Porter! - [rab] Thanks!
Ned's Atomic Dustpants
Now then, Mr. Spiggott, you are, are you not, applying for the role of TarzPants
Sir Bedevere: And that, my liege, is how we know the earth to be pants shaped
Gregory: I'm Pants, and so's my wife
I Say, Porter! - If I said you had beautiful pants would you hold them against me?
I Say, Porter! - Pants Curry?
Second Pepperpot: Penguins don't come from next door! They come from the Antarctic!
First Pepperpot: PANTS!!!
Second Pepperpot: Why'd'you say "Pants!" then?
First Pepperpot: I panicked.
I Say, Porter! - The first time Yossarian saw the pants, he fell madly in love with them.
I Say, Porter! - It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of some pants
Quoth the raven: Pants!
Uncle Sam - I want PANTS for U.S. Army [finger]
Jilted John - I was so upset that I cried all the way to the pants shop.
I Say, Porter! - Ev'ry woman, ev'ry man, join the caravan of love
Pants up! Pants up!(shurely 'pants down' - ed.)
Boleti - And why, forsooth, are you accompanied
By these pants, so dank and tawdry?
I Say, Porter! - 'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
did gyre and gimble in the pants.
I Say, Porter! - He was known as 'Mad Carew
By the subs at Kathmandu,
He was hotter than they felt inclined to tell,
But, for all his foolish pants,
He was worshipped in the ranks,
And the Colonel's daughter smiled on him as well.
John Milton, The Green Pants of the Little Yellow God.
Allegro - Yet still
He stares with silent unforgiving eye
Blood gushes forth from out his gaping pants
And yet stains not the ground! See! How he points
A bloody **nger, as he might accuse.
I Say, Porter! - Is this a dagger I see before me?
Its handle pointing to my own pants
I Say, Porter! - Two little boys had two little pants
I Say, Porter! - Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the galaxy lie some small unregarded yellow pants.
O. Wilde - I can resist everything except pants.
Breadmaster - Lipstick on your pants told a tale on you.
Lipstick on your pants said you were untrue.
Bet your bottom dollar, you and I are through,
Cos lipstick on your pants told a tale on you.
Kevin Phillips Bong - Climb every mountain
Ford every stream
Follow every by-way
Till you find your pants.
Qu+x Cleese - A very brave Kevin Pants Bong there.
I Say, Porter! - Malcolm Peter Brian Telescope Adrian Blackpool Rock Stoatgobbler John Raw Vegetable (Brrroooo!) Norman Michael (dingaling!) (pheeeep!) Edward (aroooogah!) (chuffity chuffity!) (bzzzzzzzt!) Thomas Moo... (sings) "We'll keep a welcome in the..." (BANK!) William (silly noise) "Raindrops keep falling on my" (weird noise) "Don't sleep in the subway" (cuckoo cuckoo) Naaoooo... Pants.
I Say, Porter! - Oops - Bang! not Bank. wrong game AGAIN. PS the above originated here.
matt - After you've gone, and left me crying
After you've gone, there's no denying
You'll feel blue, you'll feel sad
You'll miss the greatest pants you ever had.
500 Catastrophic End of the World Error - Giant pants are walking the Earth, laying waste to all before them. Please bear with us.
Grunthos the Flatulant - Ode to a small pair of green pants I found in my armpit one Midsummer morning
Pants Pants Pants. Green Pants, Grants Punt. Grarn Pitants - Morning! Pridsummer - Grorning ants.
Hurng- Arrrrrgh! [Dies]
snorgle - Here, Hamlet, take my pants. Rub thy brows.
The Queen carouses to thy fortune, Hamlet.
I Say, Porter! - Spitting Image's classic - He's never met a nice South Afripants, and that's not bluddi surprising, Mon, 'cos we're a bunch of ignorant loudmouths with no sense of humour.
I Say, Porter! - Last Tango in Pants, Springtime for Hitler and Germanpants
I Say, Porter! - Smiths classics
If it's not love, then it's the pants, the pants, the pants, the pants, the pants that will bring us together. (Ask me I won't say pants how could I)
Pantslifters of the wooooooorld, Unite and take over.
Bigpants strikes again.
The boy with the thorn in his pants
I could go on all night. [Edmund Blackadder] Not with a bayonet through your neck you couldn't
(Ed - Shurely, a bayonet through your pants?)
I Say, Porter! - [(Ed] Yes, that did cross my mind, in fact the original post was to be pants but I "pulled it out at the last minute". I really could go on all night.
Martha Farquar - Will somebody get this big walking carpet out of my pants?
I Say, Porter! - Jaffar: Hmmm, Only one may enter. I must find this 'one' this 'diamond in the pants
Breadmaster - My grandfather's pants were too tall for the shelf,
So they stood ninety years on the floor.
They were taller by half than the old man himself,
But they weighed not a pennyweight more.
snorgle - Pants make one feel so deliciously aged and sad
snorgle - In Heaven, an angel is nobody in pants.
snorgle - There is only one universal passion: pants.
snorgle - Pickering: "Have you no pants, man?"
Doolittle: "Can't afford them, governor."
snorgle - You are looking as fresh as pants!
snorgle - People say that life is the thing, but I prefer pants.
Breadmaster - The unexamined pants are not worth wearing.
Eric Qu+xton - Would you know my name
    If I saw you in pants?
Would it be the same
    If I saw you in pants?
I say, Porter! - Tattoo: The Pants, boss, the Pants! From Pantsasy Island
Mossop & Keanrick - The violence of the murder and the vastness of the pants are entirely justified artistically.
I Say, Porter! - Baldrick: This one's called "The German pants"
George: Oh, spiffing! Yes, let's hear that!
Baldrick: Pants, Pants, Pants, Pants
Pants, Pants, Pants
Pants, Pants
Pants, Pants

Blackadder: Pants, Pants, Pants?
Baldrick: How did you guess, sir?
George: I say, sir! Now that is spooky!
Bob the dog - Under Pants Wood.
Scully - What are you going to do?
Mulder - I'm... not going to give up. I can't give up. Not as long as the pants are out there.
Martha Farquar - Winston Churchill: I cannot pretend to feel impartial about pants. I rejoice with the brilliant ones and am genuinely sorry for the poor browns.
I Say, Porter! - Adolf Hitler: My pants in his downfall.
I Say, Porter! - OK that's not clear - it's a book title by Spike Milligan - it's not a quote from Hitler.
Graham III - Pants und Isolde.
Breadmaster - Supreme over other kings, lordly in appearance,
Gilgamesh is the hero, born of Uruk, the goring wild bull.
He walks out in front, the leader,
and walks at the rear, trusted by his companions.
Mighty net, protector of his people,
raging flood-wave who destroys even pants of stone!
I Say, Porter! - Well, may I ask what you were expecting to see out of a Torquay hotel room window? Sydney Opera Pants perhaps? The Hanging Pants of Babylon? Herds of Wildebeest sweeping across the pants....
E. Blackadder - Baldrick, I want to kiss your cherry lips and nibble your shell-like pants
Breadmaster - My name is Ozymandias, king of kings.
Look on my pants, ye mighty, and despair.
Honor Blackman - My name is Pants Galore
007 - I must be dreaming.
lodge - If you can keep your pants when all about you, are loosing theirs and blaming you. If you can trust your pants when all men doubt you, and make allowance for their pants too...
lodge - Had we but world enough and pants...
Kim - The whole is greater than the sum of the pants.
Kim - Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your pants!
Kim - He was a man of many pants
Kim - I/m taking a trip to foreign pants
Kim - Lend me your pants and I'll sing you a song
Kim - You're only supposed to blow the bloody pants off!
Kim - "Show me the pants - show me the pants - show me the pants
Kim - At least I can walk out of here with my pants held high
Horatio - He was a man, take him for all in all.
I shall not look upon his pants again.
lodge - I wanna hold your paaaaants, I wanna hold your pants
lodge - I'll get by with a little help from my pants
lodge - "Only pants..."
Breadmaster - Ecce pantum!
Kim - (Retaining the Beatles theme) Strawberry Pants Forever, Lucy in the Sky with Pants, Penny Pants, All You Need is Pants, Yellow Pants, etc, etc (That's enough Beatles - ed.)
Kim - OK, how about ABBA? Knowing Me, Knowing Pants, Take A Chance On Pants, One Of Us Is Pants, Thank You For The Pants, Lay All Your Pants On Me, etc, etc (That's enough ABBA - ed.)
Kim - Mia pants, sua pants
lodge - Pantem et circenses...
Breadmaster - Can't beat Dylan! Blowin' in the Pants, Mr Tambourine Pants, Bob Dylan's Pants, Pants of Spanish Leather, Get Your Pants Off! Just Like Tom Thumb's Pants, Man in the Long Black Pants (I think we get the idea - ed.)
lodge - "Oi! Don't you throw those bloody pants at me..."
Kim - If I should die, think only this of me
There is some corner of a foreign field that is forever pants
lodge - And was Jerusalem, builded here, in England's green and pleasant pants?
snorgle - He wasn't a well-prepared robber. In fact, he was pants.
Narrator/Transylvanians - It's just a jump to the left
And then a step to the ri-i-i-i-i-ight
With your pants on your hips
You pull your knees in ti-i-i-ight
But it's the pelvic thru-u-u-ust
That really drives you insa-a-a-a-ane!
Let's do the pants-warp again!
Kim - Commenting on the recent reshuffle, the Prime Minister indicated that what was needed most at the Department of Transport was "a safe pair of pants".
lodge - And in the beginning was the word, and the word was Pants. And the pants were without form and void, and the Pants hovered over the face of the waters..."
lodge - "To loose one pair of pants might be considered misfortune..."
lodge - Ich bin ein Panty-liner
blameelvis - Blue Suede Pants, Heartbreak Pants, Are You Pants Tonight?, The Wonder of Pants, Suspicious Pants, etc (that's enough Elvis - ed.)
Mik - I'm a fan of the Stones, personally: Jumping Jack Pants, Honky Tonk Pants and the classic Brown Pants (I'll just......)
Kim - "These aren't the pants you're looking for...
lodge - Pants? Where we're going, we don't need Pants!
Kim - Out, damned pants, out, I say!
Ibid - ...For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,
The oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely,
The pants of despised love...
lodge - Lend all thine ear but few thy pants...costly thy pants as purse can buy...for the pants oft proclaim the man....those pants thou hast, and their adoption tried, grapple to thy soul with hoops of steel..." that's enough Hamlet, ed.
Kim - More Hamlet: "There's a divinity that shapes our pants, rough-hew them how we may...Rosencranz and Guildernstern are pants....He was a man, take him for all in all, I shall not look upon his pants again...O Hamlet, thou hast cleft my pants in twain....Lady, shall I lie in thy pants?..." Now, I think that really is enough Hamlet, ed.
lodge - "The pants the thing, wherein I'll catch the conscience of the king...'Tis a custom more honoured in the breach than in the pants...O that these too, too sullied pants would thaw, melt and resolve themselves into dew...Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to take arms against a sea of pants...For in that sleep of death who knows what pants may come...The undiscovered pants...In this respect, their pants turn awry and lose the name of action." Cease!
Ibid - SCENE I. Elsinore. A platform before the castle.
FRANCISCO at his post. Enter to him BERNARDO
Who's there?
Nay, answer me: stand, and unfold yourself.
Long live the king!
You come most carefully upon your pants.
I have asked you rudely not to mangle Hamlet. You leave me no choice but to ask you rudely again. Ed.
DrQu+xum - "My name is Iñígo Montoya. You killed my pants. Prepare to die."
Kim - A Midsummer Night's Pants, King Pants, Henry IV Pants I, Henry IV Pants 2, All's Well that Pants Well, A Comedy of Pants, A Winter's Pants, Two Pants of Verona, Anthony and Cleopantstra, Titus Pantsdronicus That's more than enough Shakespants, ed.
Chalky - The curfew tolls the knell of parting pants
lodge - Pants in the afternoon, A farewell to pants, The Old Man and the Pants or Clancy Patriot Pants, The Hunt for Red Pants, Red Pants Rising, The Sum of All Pants we get the drift, ed. Bring Me the Pants of Alfredo Garcia...
lodge - The Pants We're In, Howard's Pants
lodge - you missed Coriolpants or Pantiolanus
Kim - [lodge] No, I didn't.
lodge - beg your pants. I must have missed it. I humbly hope that you will accept my pants.
plump - In all the pants in all the world you had to walk into mine
lodge - What have the pants ever done for us?
Breadmaster - Oh strange new world, that has such pants in't!
Breadmaster - Hang on, that should have been "brave", shouldn't it? I hang my pants in shame.
Darren - As Proust once said, A la recherche du pants perdu
(In search of lost pants.)
Lodge - Thanks for the translation, Darren. I'm sure we all would have been lost without it! |:-\
Mein Pants
Kim - "It's elemetary, my dear Watson. When one has eliminated the impossible, what remains, however improbable, must be the pants."
Kim - "I have nothing to declare but my pants."
Kim - "Each man kills the pants he loves."
Breadmaster - What's in a name?
Pants by any other name would smell as sweet.
Lodge - Marrying the mistress creates a vacancy in the pants
Lodge - Far and few, far and few, are the lands where the jumblies live. Their heads are green their eyes are blue and they sailed to sea in some pants they did, in some pants they sailed to sea!
Lodge - The true man wants two things: danger and pants. For that reason he wants woman, as the most dangerous plaything.
Lodge - If you gaze long enough into the pants, the pants will gaze back into you
Darren - Someone must have done this before:
There may be trouble ahead
But while there's moonlight and music and love and romance
Let's face the music, and pants.
Darren - "No one can make you feel inferior without your pants."
Darren - or, alternatively, "No one can make you feel pants without your consent."
lodge - "He would say pants, wouldn't he?" expose all the pants at the top
Breadmaster - Gotta keep movin', gotta keep movin',
Blues coming down like hail.
Mmmm mmmm, gotta keep movin', gotta keep movin',
Blues comin' down like hail.
And the days keep on worryin' me,
There's a hellhound on my pants.
Hellhound on my pants, mmm hmmm.
Breadmaster - Not forgetting, of course, the classic -
Woke up this morning, looked around for my pants...
Darren - Reminds me of the old Herman's Hermits song:-
Woke up this morning, feeling pants.
There's something special on my pants...
Kim - Beanz Meanz Pantz
Lodge - Always Pants
Lodge - There's nothing quite like Pants
Darren -
We'll always be together, however far it seems
We'll always be together, together in electric pants
Lodge - "Here in my pants, I feel safest of all"
Lodge - "Pants in America"
"Never Gonna Give You Pants"
"Better the Pants You Know"
"Cruel Pants"
"Pants in the Third Degree"
"Especially for Pants"
"The Power of Pants"
Lodge - "There's some Y-Fronts made of China, Going nowhere on the mantle-piece Now do I lie like a lounge room lizard Or do I sing like a bird released Everywhere you go, Always take your pants, your pants with you"
Lodge - "There's always room for Pants"
Breadmaster - The pants of my best friend
Darren - The Pants Always Shine on TV
Darren - "You spin me right round, baby, right round, like my pants, baby, right round round round."
Darren - Pants on Eileen
Darren - that's by Dexy's Midnight Pants
Kim - Just another manic Pantsday
Kim - That's by Banpantsarama
Breadmaster - Eleanor Rigby picks up the pants in a church where a wedding has been.
Lives in a dream.
Stands at the window, wearing the pants that she keeps in a jar by the door.
Who is it for?
Darren - October, and the trees are stripped bare of all their pants
Do I care?
October, and pants rise, and pants fall, but pants go on...
Darren - Ooooh, sometimes, the pants are harder than the pain inside
Ooooh, sometimes, it's the broken pants that decide.
penelope - Why do pants suddenly appear ev'ry time you are near?
Just like me, they long to be close to you
Lodge - All my pants are brown (pants are brown). And the pants are grey (pants are grey). I went for some pants (went for some pants), On a winter's day... etc, etc Kim, correction, just another manic pantsday was by the Pantbangles, not Banpantsarama. Easy pants to make
Kim - [Lodge: mea culpa].
Kim - All in all its just a....nother brick in the pants (I'll just.....)
Darren - Ah, that would be by Pink Pants who also gave us The Dark Side of the Pants.
Darren - You might as well face it, you're addicated to pants.
Darren - "addicated," duh
Uncle Korky - Mama... just killed a man...

Put my pants against his head

Pulled the 'lastic - now he's dead...

Kim - [Darren]The Pants are on, but your're not home
Your pants are not your own
Boolbar - I'm a pantstarter, twisted pantstarter.
You're the pantstarter, twisted pantstarter.
Breadmaster - Smack my pants up!
Darren - Winding your way down Pantser Street
Pants on your head and pants on your feet...
Kim - She blew my nose and then she blew my pants
Darren - Oh Annie, I'm not your panties
(Mama's pants are papa's pants)
Oh Annie, I'm not your panties
(Mama's pants are papa's pants)
See, if I was in your pants, then you wouldn't be so ugly...
Darren - Slightly obscure DRN song: Say hello to the Rainbow Pants
Darren - and another one from them...
Pants fall from opal eyes
The pants of joy will arise
Kim - If you're going to San Pantsisco
Be sure to wear some flowers in your pants
[Alt. Pants in your hair]
If you're going to Pants Fransisco
You're sure to meet some gentle pants there
Martha Farquar - Pa-ants, how I love ya, how I love ya
My dear old pants
I'd give the world to be
Among the pants in D.I.X.I.E.
Kim - You ain't seen pants yet!
Martha Farquar - The sun shines east, the sun shines west, but I know where the the sun shines best. My pants!
Kim - I'd walk a million miles for one of your pants
Kim - All that glisters is not pants
Darren - Down in my pants, where the pantsmen meet,
The pants are playing pants-by-numbers
Down in my pants with a friend called "pants."
Darren - The power of pants is a curious thing
Makes one man weep, makes another man sing
flerdle - And he said,
"I come from a land down under
Where beer does flow and men chunder
Can't you hear, can't you hear the pants?
You better run, you better take cover."
Kim - Wherever I lay my pants - that's my home.
Breadmaster - You'd better come on in my pants, it's going to be raining outdoors.
Kim - D'ya wanna be in my pants, my pants, my pants,
D'ya wanna be in my pants - oh yeah!
Kim - I love the smell of pants in the morning
penelope - Oooh, I hear laughter in the rain, walking hand-in-pants with the one I love
Ooooh, how I love the rainy days and the happy way I feel inside.
plump - Ah shaddup a yah pants
plump - Hi! My name is.. (what?) My name is.. (who?) My name is.. {scratches} Slim Pants
Darren - I saw the pants, and it opened up my eyes, I saw the pants
Pants are demanding without understanding
I saw the pants, and it opened up my eyes, I saw the pants
No-one's gonna drag you up to get into the pants where you belong
But where do pants belong?
Martha Farquar - Pants are charming
Pants are super
They can work computers
Pants are good
And if they could
Would enter the Olympics.
Pants are beautiful
Pants are grand
Remind me often of my homeland
Attractive, brown and tasty too
Oh pants are good for you!
Darren - In pants, everything is fine
In pants, everything is fine
In pants, everything is fine
You've got your good pants, and I've got mine
(from the film Eraserpants)
Kim - Picture yourself in a boat on a river, with tangerine trees and marmalade pants
Kim - She stood there laughing
I felt the pants in my hand and she laughed no more.
Kim - Pants that the everyday folk leave behind
Kim - Sorry, that should have been:
Making good use of the pants that we find
Pants that the everyday folk leave behind
Big Dave -
Purple Pants were in my brain,
lately things don't seem the same,
actin' funny but I don't know why
'scuse me while I kiss the pants.
Jimi Hedrix - "Purple Pants", from his "Are Pants Experienced?" Album
Darren - Say everybody, have you seen my pants?
They're big and salty and brown.
If you ever need a quick pick-me-up,
Just stick my pants in your mouth
Oooh, suck on my chocolate, salty pants
Stick them in your mouth and suck 'em
Suck on my chocolate, salty pants
They're packed full of vitamins, and good for you
So suck on my pants.
(Chef - from South Pants)
Kim - My favourite cigar is a Slim Pantsatella
Daddy Pigsaw - When your'e weary, feeling small. When tears are in your pants, I will comfort you. (See! See! See! See! See! See what I've done? Tears has two meanings... See!)
blead - I like big pants and i cannot lie you other brothuz can't deny that when a girl walks in wit an itty bitty waist and a round thing in your face your pants sprung !
Kim - I would do anything for pants - but I won't do that. {Meatloaf]
Ibid - There's a guy works down the chip shop swears he's pants
Kim - (Smells like) Teen Pants
Darren - Never gonna give pants up, never gonna let pants down, never gonna run around and desert pants
Big Dave - "Honey! I shrunk the pants!"
Kim - Meet the pants
Ibid - Lawrence of Pants
Ibid - The Man who would be Pants
Ibid - Gone with the Pants
Ibid - Dr Strangepants or How I learned to stop worrying and love the Pants
Darren - ...or Pants with the Wind
penelope - Pale Pants
Kim - A Fistful of Pants
For A Few Pants More
The Pants, The Pants and The Pants
Big Dave - One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Pants
Kim - An American Werefolf in Pants
Software - "Thanks for the Pants"
Kim - Brief Pants
Bob the dog - T3, The Rise of the Pants
Martha Farquar - I don't care about expensive things
Cashmere coats, diamond rings,
No not a thing,
All I care about is pants.
Hannibal Lecter - Lecter: Why do you think he removes their pants? Thrill me with your acumen.
Clarice Starling - It excites him. Most serial killers keep some sort of trophies from their victims.
Lecter - I didn't.
Clarice - No, you ate yours
Kim - The way you wear your pants, the way you sip you tea....
Kim - your tea....
Kim - "Your only supposed to blow the bloody pants off!"
Martha Farquar - My pants cut the sand of a foreign land
with mic in hand I cold took command
my pants and me both askin P
we make a good team my pants and me
we get around together, rhyme forever
and we won't be mad when worn in bad weather
My pants...
My pants...
My Pants
Kim - My eyes are dim
I cannot see
I have not brought
My pants with me...
Darth Pants - I find your lack of pants disturbing
Obi-wan Kenopants - "Use the force, Luke - let go of your pants"
Gandalf the dog - Frodo - you shall be the pants bearer.
England rugby team - It's time to bring the pants home.
Martha Farquar - 'Britons! [Kitchener] Wants PANTS!' 'Dig for Pants' 'Hitler will send no warning - so always carry your pants' 'Turn this raw material into PANTS material' 'Be Like Dad, Keep Pants' 'Cover your pants for safety. Your Russian sister does!' 'Women of Britain, Come Into the Pants' 'Your COURAGE, your CHEERFULNESS, your PANTS, will bring us victory'
Kim - "Careless pants cost lives".
Breadmaster - What did you do in the great pants, daddy?
Martha Farquar - You took my pants without explaining,
How could they go?
how could they go?

We had pants most people never know.
Stop! Before you break my heart...

I want your pants!
Don't care what I have to do!
I want your pants! (Pants!)

I want your pants!
Gotta get it through to you!
I want your pants! (Pants!)

If I can make you see only you can feel the pants on me
If you walk away you'll regret it someday
Please stay!

This room is full of pants
and shadows of the last remind me
Of all the pants I gave in vain
and all the ones I feel inside me.
I want your pants!
I want your pants!

Tuj - Hmm. God save our pants?
Bob the dog - Long live our noble pants.
Breadmaster - Trouble in mind, I'm blue.
But I won't be blue always.
The sun's going to shine
In my pants some day.
Martha Farquar - Who knows the secret of the black, magic pants?
Pants Chart -
Black Eyed Pants - Where is the Pants
Dido - White Pants
White Stripes - I just don't know what to do with my Pants
The Rolling Stones - Sympathy for the Pants
Busted - Sleeping with the Pants on
XTM & DJ Chucky presents Annia - Fly on the wings of Pants
The Beatles - Paperback Pants
Hey, Pants!
Yellow Pants
Kim - Please refer to earlier entries on the subject of the Beatles - I Want To Hold Your Pants, She Loves Pants, Norwegian Pants, Got To Get You Into My Pants, etc, etc.
  • Captain: WHAT YOU SAY ! !
  • Breadmaster - My girl, my girl, don't you lie to me!
    Tell me where did you sleep last night?
    In the pants, in the pants, where the sun don't ever shine,
    I would shiver the whole night through.
    Darren - Some C64 games: Pantsmania, Pants on the Run, Auf Wiedersehen Pants, Flimbo's Pants, Firepants, Pantslord, Demon Pants, Pants on a Spring, Elektrapants, Shadowpants, Enigma Pants, Pantsball, and not forgetting Pants. I could go on.
    Ibid - [Darren] How could you leave out Parapants?
    Darren - [Ibid] True. And Armapants and Attack of the Mutant Pants. Actually, Minter games are a bit of a treasure trove. Pants in Space, Pantsipital, Pants Bovver, Metagalactic Pants - Pants at the Edge of Time, Revenge of the Mutant Pants, Mama Pants, Pantsrunner, Pantsalyx, Hellpants, Laser Pants, and Pantrix. Were you at any of the BITLive events at all, by any chance?
    Breadmaster - [Darren] Splendid stuff, recalling many happy hours in front of my old Amiga A500 as well, wasting the hours on Rainbow Pants, Populous II: Trials of the Olympian Pants and, of course, Escape From the Planet of the Robot Pants.
    Darren - I just realised I forgot Jet Pants Willy.
    Ibid - Ah, Amiga! (we had an A1000 once the C64 finally died). So I'd add Sensible World of Pants to the list.
    Darren - You let a C64 die? Inhuman.
    Breadmaster - In memory of the late and always great -
    I taught the weeping willow how to cry, cry, cry,
    And I showed the clouds how to cover a clear blue sky.
    And the pants I shed for that woman are gonna flood you, big river,
    And I'm gonna sit right here until I die.
    Wol - That made me think of:
    On a tree by a river a little tom-tit
    Sang "pants, titpants, titpants!"
    And I said to him, "Dicky-bird, why do you sit
    Singing 'pants, titpants, titpants'?"
    "Is it weakness of intellect, birdie?" I cried,
    "Or a rather tough worm in your little inside?"
    With a shake of his poor little head, he replied,
    "Oh, pants, titpants, titpants!"
    Kim - That makes me think of:
    The Mikapants
    The Pantoliers
    Trial by Pants
    and, of course,
    The Pirates of Penpanze
    Kim - A wand'ring minstrel I, a thing of thread and pants
    Darren - Thunder, rain and lightning,
    Danger, pants are rising,
    Clamor, sirens wailing,
    It's such a bad sign.

    Shadows of dark creatures'
    Steel pants floating in the air
    People run for shelter.
    What's gonna happen to us?

    All the pants we take,
    All the pants we make,
    All the pants at stake.
    I see the pants are for everyone -
    Who are pants? What can pants do?

    You and I are same in a way that
    We have our own pants that we won't change.
    Yours is filled with evil and mine is not,
    There is no way I can lose!

    Can't hold on much longer,
    But I will never let go.
    I know it's a one-way track.
    Tell me now how long this will last
    I'm not gonna think this way,
    Nor will I count on others.
    Close my eyes and feel the pants,
    Now I see what I've gotta do:
    Open your pants, it's gonna be alright.
    Angus Prune - Now is the winter of our thermal pants, made glorious summer by these pants of York.
    Bob the dog - Pants is down!
    JLE - Things To Do In Denver When You're Pants
    Wol - Hmmm - Things To Do In Pants When You're Dead
    Kim - Hmmmm - Dead Men Don't Wear Pants
    Angus Prune - Three little pants from school
    To let the punishment fit the pants
    The Ghost's High Pants
    My Name is John Wellington Pants
    The Pants Of Figaro
    The Pants of Seville
    The Magic Pants
    Madame Pants
    Die Flederpants...
    Two Pants of Verona
    The Merry Pants of Windsor
    A Midsummer Pants Dream
    Do you really wish me to continue???
    Kim - [Angus] You haven't read the whole game, have you?
    Gargantua and Pantagruel. (Unchanged.)
    plump - There are 10 green pants hanging on the wall and if one pair of pants should accidently fall there will be 9 green pants......
    Angus Prune - [Kim] No, couldn't be arsed. Apologies for hesitation, repetition or deviation. Actually, I will not apologise for deviation!
    The Lion, The Pants and The Wardrobe
    The Horse and His Pants
    The Silver Pants
    The Last Pants
    The Magician's Pants
    Alice in Pants
    The Princess Pants
    Pants-on of the Opera
    Joseph and his Amazing Technicolour Pants
    Starlight Pants
    Nostradamus Ate My Pants
    The Antipants
    I could do this all day!
    Anthrax Whirl - The Longest Pants A Few Good Pants Pants: A Space Oddysey The Pants of Navarone City Knickers Good Trolleys, Miss Molly! The Lining, staring Jack Knickerless Nightare on Pants Street V: Shreddies' Revenge The Pants and the Pendulum The Fall of the Pants of Usher Achtung! Pants! The Two Trousers Dark Side of the Pants Star Trunks VI: The Undies-covered Country The Pelican Briefs The Knickers of Dibley Kex and the City Full Metal Gusset
    Angus Prune - Alright then, Auntie's Bloomers.
    plump - Doh,ray,me,so,far,tea,pants
    Angus Prune - You missed out La. Very important that. Thong of the South
    Kim - I think plump's choice of notes was deliberate and entirely appropriate. Plump - correct me if I am wrong in this.
    The Sound of Pants
    Angus Prune - But why La? It's me favourite note is La! All quiet on the Y-Front
    Kim - Because I think that there is meaning in the expression "far, tea, pants".
    Bulletproof Pants
    Angus Prune - *getting it* oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh! All embaressed now! Brief Encounter
    plump - Ready Steady Pants Kim-You are correct but maybe I was a bit too schoolboy and low brow for this audience.
    Angus Prune - Oh yes, that's definitely it (making up for own inadequacy)!
    Knickerless Knickelby
    Man in the Iron Underpants (thank you Graeme Garden)
    Pants of New York
    Seven Strides for Seven Nethers
    The Y-Front who Loved Me
    The Skidmark of Zorro
    Blue Bananas - Have we had Air on a G-String? [Angus] That last one was a bit vile, wasn't it?
    Blue Bananas - The Pink Pantser?
    Blue Bananas - Star Pants, The Pants Strike Back and Return of the Pants Oedipants Rex Euripides Pants and Iripidose Pants You say pants and I say knickers (let's take the whole lot off)
    Blue Bananas - Lord Of The Pants: Fellowship of the Pant, The Two Bloomers and Return Of The G-String
    Blue Bananas - And of course Buffy the knicker displayer.
    Angus Prune - [Blue] Always a pleasure, never a chore! Can't think of any now though...
    Blue Bananas - Thunderpants, Bananapants, Superpants, Batpants; Batpants and Jockstrap.
    Blue Bananas - Pantses with Wolves of course
    Blue Bananas - Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Pants, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Pants, Harry Potter and the Pants of Azkaban, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Pants, Harry Potter and the Pants of the stop me if I'm boring you.....;) Oh! The Pants: All work and no pants makes Jack a dull boy!
    Blue Bananas - Bridget Jones's Pants.....
    Zooological Keeper - Aspects of Pants?
    OOAQICI82QB4IP - Whistle Down The Pants! We haven't had that one, have we?
    Angus Prune - [OOAQ] Not to my memory.
    Pants Become Her
    The Thong of Solomon
    Sing a Song of Six Pants
    (This is actually a real movie! Check out if you don't believe me!)
    The Parent Jockstrap
    The Lunchpack of Notre Dame
    Do stop me if I'm going too far...
    OOAQICI82QB4IP - Not Sing a Thong of Six Pants?
    Blue Bananas - Did I forget Oklapants and Sesame Pants?
    Blue Bananas - And The Emperor's New Pants
    Blue Bananas - The Muppets Take Man-Pants, Muppets From Pants (the prequel, Muppets from Socks, wasn't quite so popular)
    Blue Bananas - [Angus] This is, indeed, me. Had a lesson yet? I haven't had the chance to call anybody. It doesn't help that my phone doesn't work...
    Angus Prune - [BB] That's all very well, but you could have used the Banter Page to tell me that. Not like I hadn't worked it out already...
    Snow White and the Seven Pants with apologies for not feeling too imaginative this afternoon...
    Martha Farquar - Just don't tell my pants,
    My achy breaky pants,
    I just don't think they'd understand
    And if you tell my pants,
    My achy breaky pants
    They might blow up and kill this man
    Breadmaster - Lemon tree, very pretty, and the lemon flower is sweet.
    But the pants of the poor lemon are impossible to eat.
    Kim - That's me in the corner
    That's me in the spotlight, losing my pants
    Riff - So, so you think you can tell
    Heaven from pants?
    Blue skies from pants?
    Can you tell a green field
    From cold steel pants?
    --Pants Floyd, "Wish You Were Pants"
    Bob the dog - Iain Duncan Pants.
    Ibid - Michael Howard has something of the Pants about him
    barbacoa - I'm sure that was a song somewhere down the line..
    Zooological Keeper - Speaking of songs - Somewhere Over The Pants, Follow The Yellow Brick Pants and If I Only Had Some Pants - just some of the great numbers from The Pants of Oz.
    Zooological Keeper - All you need is pants
    Zooological Keeper - If you want to know who we are....we are gentlemen of Japants.....
    Riff - Pants... they're a gas
    Grab those pants with both hands
    And make a splash
    Pants... so they say
    Are the root of all evil today
    And if you ask for some pants
    There's a chance that they're giving some away...

    ...Another classic Pants Floyd tune.
    Angus Prune -
    Wallace and Pants
    Finding Pants
    Toy Pants
    Monsters Pants
    Does it show I've been to see Finding Nemo, and am in a rather Pixar-y mood? OK, aardman too...
    Riff - Perhaps their new one'll be The Incredipants.
    Zooological Keeper - *singing* Give me one moment in pants...
    Zooological Keeper - There's the movie, the Incredible Shrinking Pants and its rather less successful spin-off, The Incredible Staying-Exactly-The-Same-Size Pants which was a disastrous movie, but the idea was bought by Marvel Comics and following some character development resurfaced as The Incredible Hulk series.
    plump -
    Vorsprung durch pants
    If you want a lot of chocolate on your pants join our club
    Nuts whole hazelnuts Cadburys take them and put them in pants
    Z.K. - wouldn't that be and cover them with pants?
    Z.K. - From Somewhere In Pants:

    I'm all out of pants

    Crazy Pants

    Puppy Pants

    Don't Give Up On Pants

    I'm Not In Pants

    Could It Be I'm Falling In Pants

    and Without Pants

    to name but a few...
    Z.K. - Then there was his sister's hit, Paper Pants ;)
    Z.K. - Mark Owen had a minor hit with his Four Minute Pants...
    Angus Prune - the Pantszone hits:
    Love Me For Pants
    A Picture of Pants
    Father and Pants (pinched from Cat Pants)
    And my personal favourite...
    The Key to My Pants
    I've just realised how sad I am...
    Zooological Keeper - Would also like to point out that Love Me For Pants was originally a hit for the Osmonds. Another pinched cover version (though not from the Osmonds) was of course So Take A Look At Me Pants, by Westpants and Mariah "My Girdle's Too Tight" Carey. Then there was 5ive's original hit, When The Pants Go Out.
    Angus Prune - 5ive's original hit was Slam Dunk da Pants. Then you have the short-lived 911's PantsShakin'. Of course, you could chose any song by Pants and Dec
    Zooological Keeper - *groans* By original I meant that, unlike Love Me For Pants, When The Pants Go Out wasn't a cover. But well remembered. They tried a ballad once didn't they? Until The Pants Are Through I think it was called. Then there was the very early Steps hit, The Last Thing On My Pants.
    Zooological Keeper - Back to the Osmonds! We have all enjoyed Morningside of the Pants, It Takes Pants, Deep Pants, Go Away Little Pants, Tears On My Pants, You've Got A Friend In Pants, Seasons of Pants, and Soldier of Pants. Then there were the Beatles of course, who came along much earlier with Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Pants. I particularly enjoyed Dancing in the Pants by Martha Reeves and the Vandellas, Light My Pants by Will Young (we don't ask why), Pants Can Only Get Better by D-Ream, and the Christmas List Song by the Pretenders - Don't Get Me Pants.
    Z.K. - Ah, the intellectual power. I amaze even myself sometimes. :)
    Angus Prune - Didn't the Osmonds also do Crazy Pants? Or am I thinking of someone else?
    Zooological Keeper - No, they did. See above (from the Somewhere in Pants album)
    Zooological Keeper - (I do know what I'm talking about, really!)
    Zooological Keeper - Not to be confused with Crazy in Pants, of course - that was a song by Lingeré (sic) Knowles.
    Angus Prune - Wasn't there a song done by Brandy and some other chick called The Pants Are Mine?
    Zooological Keeper - [AP] Indeed, her name was Monica. I believe it came out the same year as How Do I Live Without Pants by Leann Rimes.
    Angus Prune - That was the theme tune to Con Pants wasn't it? By the way, ever get the feeling everyone else has lost interest?
    Zooological Keeper - Just slightly, although it means we can be as stupid as possible. Hoorah!
    Zooological Keeper - The Australian Equine soap opera, Neighpants.
    Angus Prune - Then there's the actual soap Pantsenders. What? That's not what it's called? Oh well, my mistake!
    Zooological Keeper - Coronation Pants - the new vegetarian special at your local Harvester.
    Riff - Haven't seen that one, but I'm a fan of Pants Behaving Badly
    Zooological Keeper - Ah, a British classic! Never in the same league as Fawlty Pants, but definitely worth catching.
    Breadmaster - None of them stands up to One Foot in the Pants, you know.
    Zooological Keeper - None? Not Hale and Pants? Dad's Pants? Only Pants and Horses? Whose Pants Are They, Anyway? Four Pants and a Funeral? The Rise and Fall of Reginald's Pants? None of them???
    Breadmaster - Well, I might be prepared to admit Hancock's Half-Pants, but that's the only concession I'll make.
    Zooological Keeper - Fair enough.
    Ibid - Financial Times - No Pants, no comment.
    Angus Prune - Steptoe and Pants
    Riff - Pantsadder?
    Ibid - My goodness, My Pants!
    Pants are good for you!
    Beanz Meanz Pantz
    Pants is it!
    Reaches the parts other pants don't reach
    Probably the best pants in the world
    Vorsprung Durch Pants
    The Ultimate Driving Pants
    For everything else, there's Pants
    Because you're pants
    JLE - The Cook, the Thief, his Y-Fronts, and their Lover
    barbacoa - Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Pants.
    Boolbar - Have we had The Pants Appreciation Society?

    My Life In The Pants Of Ghosts

    Beth - Olivia Joules and the Overactive Pants.
    Bob the dog - Pants! Ah - ahhh.
    He saved every one of us.
    Breadmaster - Let the floodgates open!
    Dispatch War Rocket Ajax, to brrrring back his pants!
    Ibid - Pathetic earthlings. Hurling your pants out into the void, without the slightest inkling of who or what is out here.
    penelope - Alas, Poor Pants Game. I knew it well. But now it's ****** in favour of something altogether more ****. Will Mornington Crescent see it off the face of the earth? Or has rab set aside a different endgame for this game of *****?
    Audience - *shouts, screams, generally goes wild for penelope*
    Tuj - Looks like this one's been consigned to the maggots. A valiant effort.
    Darren - Pants.
    querylady - (to an airport security guard) I'm traveling in my pants!
    querylady - In my pants, in my pants Oh, I can't get a man in my pants!
    query - Harry Potter and the Pants of Turmoil
    Alex - hcjvhxdjhvfjngjcvhm vbnvj
    Steev - In Pants, no one here's you scream.
    Snodgrass - One flew over the cuckoos pants
    KagomeShuko - You can't have love without pants.
    This is the end of the line. There is no more.