Genies are known for their trickery in which they will technically grant a wish but then there are consequences to that wish being granted. A classic example is that somebody will wish for a million dollars, but then we find out the million dollars is stolen from banks.

So, let's take a turn at being those tricky genies, in a way - because we have the internet and imagination (yeah, the wishes, consquences and conditions can get VERY SILLY)!

The beginning poster posts a wish. The person that posts under it grants the wish, but they put in the part that isn't wanted. That person then also puts their own wish and the game continues.

It might look something like this.


I wish I had a million dollars.

Simons Mith:

Granted, but the million dollars is stolen from banks.

I wish I never had to pay another utility bill.


Granted, but now you live on a boat with pirates.

I wish I had eyes in the back of my head.

And on it goes . . .

So, I'll start with my wish. I wish that I would never get too cold, no matter the temperature.

Expose all

Why not take a stand?
